Forrest Gump: 500 words
2023-06-15 05:01:55

Forrest Gump shows us a loyal, trustworthy, persistent and friendly Forrest Gump with an IQ of only 75! Most of the time, like Forrest Gump, we can't find a reason to do something. Most of the time, we are far behind Forrest Gump. Those things that we don't know why to do are always very easy to give up halfway. However, we have to admit that the success of many things is contingent. It will not be closer to the end because of your deliberate efforts, but will give you the most appropriate praise for your efforts when you are not aware of it.

Laotse said: "Less is gain, more is confusion."

——If you know less, you will gain. If you know more, you will be confused... So simple people are easy to succeed! Forrest Gump is good at simplifying all the problems, so simple that only success is left. No matter how smart people are, they can't fully understand everything in the world. No matter how fast the brain works, it can't keep up with the changes of everything in the world.

He focused his only wisdom, belief and courage on the front, ran helplessly under the guidance of intuition, ran under the stones of his peers through childhood ridicule, ran across the college football field in the curse of the coach, ran through the jungle of Vietnam in the firefight, ran across the battlefield of foreign table tennis teachers in the cold war, and ran all over the United States in the pursuit of everyone.

In the book, Forrest Gump, with an American southern accent and intellectual disability, gazes at Jenny, who is full of wildness, as if he is distantly related to Bangui, a fool in Faulkner's famous novel The Sound and the Fury. However, there is obviously a fundamental difference between the two: Bangui is just a symbol of the decline of a family and a real imbecile; Forrest Gump, a "fool", represents almost all the virtues that are missing in this era: honesty and trustworthiness - he promised his comrade in arms Bubba to buy a shrimp boat together, but when his comrade in arms died, he realized his last wish for him in the eyes of others; Work seriously - in college, he was admitted exceptionally, became a football superstar, and was received by President Kennedy; Brave and fearless - when he was alone out of danger, he still ran back to the jungle to find his comrades in arms; Love is more important than money - his love for Jenny, needless to say. On the contrary, it is a great irony to some social conditions today that possessing these virtues makes one stupid.