50 Reflections on Journey to the West
youth passes as a fleeting wave
2023-08-28 00:01:29

Since I can remember, my mother has often told me the story of Journey to the West. Stories such as "Three Beats of Baigujing" and "Fighting Red Boy" left a deep impression on my young heart. Recently, with the strong recommendation of Mr. Zheng, I also won the youth version of Journey to the West. Each reading gives me a different feeling. I was impressed by the author's exquisite and vivid action description.

Let's go to see "Che Chi Guo Dou Fa San Xian" first! Tang Monk and Tiger Power Immortal compare and meditate. "The two of them sat quietly on the stage for a few hours, and it was hard to decide whether to win or not. Luli intended to help his elder martial brother, so he plucked the root hair, bounced up, landed in the Tang Monk's collar, turned into a bedbug, and bit him. Tang Monk was so itchy that he shook his head back and forth, and wiped the itch with his collar." In a short paragraph, he used five verbs, "pull", "bounce", "drop", "change", and "bite", to depict Luli's insidious and cunning face. Tang Monk "shook his head back and forth" and "wiped his collar" vividly described the difficult situation of Tang Monk at that time, which made me sweat for Tang Monk. Fortunately, the traveler took action in time to "twist" the bedbug to death and help the master. Then he tried to cure him by his own way. He "changed" into a 7-inch centipede, and tried to "bite" the nose of Hu Li Daxian. Tiger Power Immortal almost "lost" his life when he "fell" in a struggle. Ha ha, it's really exciting!

Look again at "Monkey King vs Black Bear Spirit". "The Black Wind Monster jumped up quickly, took out his gun, and stabbed the walker. The walker hurriedly pulled out a stick from his ear to show his true appearance and hold the tip of the gun. The two jumped out of the middle hall, from the patio to the front door. They also hit the mountain from the mouth of the cave to the top of the mountain, from the top of the mountain to the outside of the clouds. Only the red sun sank, but still the old did not win or lose." In a short sentence, dozens of verbs did not repeat. From "jumping" to "fighting", from "fighting" to "killing", let us feel that the fight is becoming more and more fierce, and it is hard to win or lose. Finally, "the black wind monster turned into a breeze, turned back to the cave, closed the stone door, and refused to come out.". Three verbs make the image of "Black Wind Monster" on the paper.

"The simple and lively action description makes the characters more vivid". This is the biggest harvest of reading Journey to the West again. In the future, I will use this method more in my exercises. The reason why Journey to the West became one of the four masterpieces of Chinese classical literature must not be limited to its charm! Let's continue to explore!