Lyric verses
Searching for Plum after Snow
2023-06-18 16:05:52
Complete Poems

1. Where can local books reach? Return to Luoyang—— Wang Wan, Next to Beigu Mountain

2. My old friend, with chicken and millet, invited me to Tian's home—— Meng Haoran's Passing the Old Man's Manor

3. Flying mirror under the moon, clouds grow and form sea buildings—— Li Bai's Farewell to Jingmen

4. Thousands of valleys and trees stand high in the sky, and thousands of mountains ring cuckoos—— Wang Wei's Farewell to Ambassador Li of Zizhou

5. Suddenly, I saw the willow color of the stranger, regretting to teach my husband to find a marquis—— Wang Changling's Boudoir Resentment

6. When you are in a low position, you dare not forget to worry about your country. When things are settled, you must close the coffin—— Lu You's "Learning from Sickness"

7. The road to the east of the hometown is long, and the double sleeve dragon bell is not dry—— Cen Shen, Every Emissary to Beijing

8. Inaction leads astray, and children share the towel—— Wang Bo's Farewell to Du Shaofu's Appointment in Shuzhou

9. Alone in the grass stream, there are orioles singing in the deep trees—— Chuzhou West Stream by Wei Yingwu

10. Lonely Indus deep yard lock autumn—— Li Yu's Happy Meeting, Going to the West Tower without Words

11. The caged bird loves the old forest, and the fish in the pond thinks of the old abyss—— Tao Yuanming's "Returning to Garden and Field, One of Them"

12. The water protection field will be surrounded by green, and the two mountains will be lined up to send green—— Wang Anshi's "Mister Yin's Wall at Shuhu"

13. When the ends of the earth are poor, there is only endless lovesickness—— Yan Shu's "Spring in the Jade Pavilion, Spring Hatred"

14. Go up the tall building alone and look at the ends of the world—— Yan Shu's "Butterflies Love Flowers, Curtained Chrysanthemum Sorrow, Smoke Orchids Cry Dew"

15. The isolated village does not mourn for itself, and still thinks of being a national garrison of Luntai—— Lu You's "Wind and Rain on November 4"

16. At dusk, snow fell on the shaft gate, and the red flag was frozen by the wind—— Cen Can Send Judge Wu Back to Beijing with a White Snow Song

17. Looking at the country and family of the former sages, success has changed from diligence and thrift to extravagance—— Li Shangyin's Two Chants of History

18. A thousand miles of solitary graves, where there is no desolation—— Su Shi's "Jiangchengzi, A Dream on the 20th Day of the First Month in Yimao"

19. If we see each other and struggle, we will never see each other—— Sima Guang's "Xijiang Moon, Pine in Baoji and Pine in Bangjiu"

20. Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain, a lonely city looking at Yumen Pass—— Wang Changling's "Seven Poems in the Army - Four"

21. In the east of the river in front of the Master Huang Pagoda, the spring light is lazy and the breeze is sleepy—— Du Fu's "Seeking Flowers Alone by the River - The Fifth"

22. After the tears of the adherents were exhausted in the dust, Nanwang Wang Shifu had another year—— Lu You's Feeling of Coming out of the Fence to Welcome the Cool in Autumn Night

23. When Dongli drinks wine in the evening, there is a subtle fragrance—— Li Qingzhao's "Drunken Flower Yin, Mist, Thick Clouds and Sorrow for the Eternal Day"

24. The setting sun in an isolated village, the light smoke of old trees, the jackdaws, and the shadow of a flying goose—— Bai Pu's "Tian Jing Sha Autumn"

25. No one passes the fence in the long day, but dragonflies and butterflies fly—— Fan Chengda's "Four Times Pastoral Miscellaneous Prosperity - The Second"

26. Mist and thick clouds worry about the eternal day, and auspicious brains sell golden animals—— Li Qingzhao's "Drunken Flower Yin, Mist, Thick Clouds and Sorrow for the Eternal Day"

27. The sound on the face rises from the corner, and the city is closed by the long smoke and setting sun—— Fan Zhongyan's "Proud Fisherman, Thinking in Autumn"

28. Where to look at China? Beigu Building is full of scenery—— Xin Qiji, Nanxiangzi, Feeling Huai in Beigu Pavilion at Jingkou

29. Don't lean on the fence alone. There are endless rivers and mountains. Sometimes it's easy to see when it's hard—— Li Yu's "The Waves Washing the Sand, The Rain Chanting Outside the Curtain"

30. The buds are fragrant and the leaves are rusty. The west wind worries about the green waves—— Li Jing's "Breaking Huanxi Sand, Handan Fragrance Selling Green Leaves"

31. Who thinks that the west wind is cool alone? The rustling yellow leaves close the windows and meditate on the past—— Nalan Xingde, Huanxi Sand, Who Will Read the West Wind and Cool Alone