Sentences describing kindergarten teachers' sadness
Clear water and clear clouds
2023-04-19 03:06:40
Descriptive sentences

1. I love every child, but also love this sacred career. I will become the most loyal brother and sister of the children, and care for every child with my love and patience.

2. On our way from childishness to maturity, from ignorance to civilization, you use the torch of life to open the way for us.

3. No matter how you feel, you always have a smile on your face every day.

4. The kindergarten teacher is a bowl of conscience food. The more tired, the more secure.

5. Teachers should love and educate students with heart.

6. Allow the child to make 99 mistakes and give him 100 opportunities to correct them. Waiting for children to grow is like waiting for flowers to bloom, which requires love and patience.

7. Let the stars spread all over the night sky, and let the children fill their hearts.

8. Play various roles every day, do everything for children.

9. The teacher's spring breeze bathes my heart every day. A good teacher is better than ten thousand books.

10. I will use my true love to nourish the young hearts of children and sing their sweet songs. In my work, I will treat every child and parent carefully, patiently and sincerely.

11. No one can understand the hardships of a kindergarten teacher. Only those who have done it know it.

12. Love is sincerity, care and patience. For education, love is the April day in the world.

13. Rivers push us to the vast sea, and the dawn brings us a bright morning; Dear teacher, you lead us to a magnificent life.

14. With children, one's heart is pure.

15. Her hands are so powerful that they hold up the sky of countless children. Her thought is supreme, and she is willing to sacrifice her treatment and status. She speaks softly, like dew that moistens the seedlings. She is a kindergarten teacher.