Hitler's most famous quote (51 sentences)
Never give up
2023-02-04 09:30:59
A complete list of famous sayings

1. One day, yesterday's friends will become tomorrow's enemies.

2. War is everywhere and always exists. Without a start, there is no end. Life itself is a war, and everything is the same.

3. These maggots are cowards in an emergency and braggadocios afterwards.

4. Pity is an original sin. Pitying the weak is against nature.

5. Women's intelligence is totally useless.

6. Only those crazy people are tame.

7. I will let the world remember me for a thousand years.

8. Belief is harder to shake than knowledge; Love is more difficult to change than respect; Hatred lasts longer than hatred.

9. There is no better place for the enemy than a tomb.

10. We have set a goal and will work hard for it until death!

11. We should be happy that the future will definitely belong to us!

12. I don't think they will coexist with ordinary people.

13. As long as one German survives, the war will continue.

14. The success of every great movement in the world is mostly attributed to outstanding speakers, not great writers.

15. Germany is at our feet, Germany is proud of us, Germany lets us march forward bravely.

16. What cannot be obtained by peaceful means is obtained by fists.

17. Human beings grow in the eternal struggle and perish in the eternal peace.

18. I never went to military school one day, but I won the whole Europe.

19. I got everything through persuasion.

20. It is the blessing of ZF that people do not think.

21. I have always believed that poverty will end. You said it was utopia. Who is right? You or me? I am right, I will always be!

22. I would rather wage war at the age of 50 than 55 or 60.

23. I don't believe that those who used to laugh at us are still laughing!

24. No one can take away our honor.

25. Our struggle can only have two results: either the enemy steps on our corpse or we step on it.

26. In front of God and the world, the strong always have the right to carry out his will.

27. It is my unshirkable duty and privilege to conquer, exploit, plunder and even destroy inferior nations.

28. The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. I know that people all over the world will blame me for my defeat tomorrow, but what's the matter?

29. We have set a goal and will work hard for it until death! Only those crazy people are tame. People are blind and stupid

30. A great liar is also a great magician.

31. The decision to change the boundaries of a country is entirely caused by manpower.

32. Our ideological propaganda must be popular with the people and can be understood by the most stupid people.

33. If civilization does not repel and suppress barbarism, then this civilization is not a real civilization.

34. Growing up in a border town, I have a sacred and great mission.

35. The responsibility of a person does not lie in silently working, but in publicly eradicating evil and seeking remedies.

36. I come to complete the unfinished business of Jesus Christ.

37. The strongest driving force for change in the world is not the scientific knowledge that rules the masses, but the fanaticism that gives power to the masses, sometimes even the hysteria that drives them forward.

38. In this world, there are two ways to judge a man: one is to see what kind of woman he marries; The second is to see how he died.

39. They should be careful. One day our patience will come to an end, and then we will let those shameless Jews shut up forever!

40. Tomorrow of Germany depends on you, young people of Germany!

41. His fear of powerless will is not as great as his fear of people with ordinary capital and resolute will.

42. Humanity is a mixture of foolishness, cowardice and cleverness.

43. In waging and waging war, the question of right and wrong is irrelevant, but what matters is victory!

44. The miracle of this era is that you found me, an unknown person in the vast sea of people.

45. The whole life of human beings is inseparable from three points of view: struggle produces everything, virtue lies in bloodshed, and leaders are primary and decisive.

46. If the Germanic nation is not strong enough to defend its own existence, it should die.

47. Ability has nothing to do with education background. Don't underestimate anyone! I didn't go to military school for a day, but I won the whole Europe.

48. Only those who will obey today can command tomorrow.

49. Young people are supposed to sacrifice.

50. Soldiers should not think, and leaders should think for them.

51. We must grit our teeth and go all out to do something; Otherwise, we will accomplish nothing.