Special report of Shuangbai Event 800 words of reflections
Gently dance in the sky
2023-05-31 20:06:08

When the "comprehensive well-off society" meets the Civil Code, material civilization and spiritual civilization go hand in hand to make life better. Poverty alleviation is the last battle for us to completely solve the problem of absolute poverty. A well-off society in an all-round way means that "the material and spiritual strength of the country will be strengthened, and the material and spiritual life of the people of all ethnic groups will be improved". People often say that people live at one breath. This "qi" is the spirit of struggle and smoothness. Sometimes, although we have achieved results in our struggle, we may still feel "unhappy". Because in addition to fruitful harvest, I care more about being "respected" by the surrounding environment. For example, when I returned to my house after a day's work, I suddenly received a phone call from the landlord asking me to move out tomorrow. When I saw that the lease term still had half a year to expire, what should I do? After seeing the various advertisements in the elevators of the community, I can recall where the proceeds went? The more you think about it, the more angry you become. It's not easy to just meet a target. When walking on the road, a dog suddenly pounced on him, but the dog owner did not take any protection. Do you want to fight or keep a gentlemanly demeanor? It's really embarrassing. Teenagers secretly took their parents' savings and gave them a "reward" online. What should parents do? Don't be afraid, you can find the answer in the Civil Code. Sometimes, if you are a little tired, you are not afraid of being ignored. Although it is necessary to constantly strive to have a sense of existence, the shaping of the overall environment is also very important. When the "well-off society in an all-round way" meets the Civil Code, the people will be more "spiritual" and "feeling" while paying attention to the "things" in the well-off society, just like "skeleton" and "flesh and blood", "powerful" and "beautiful".

When the "well-off society in an all-round way" meets the "Civil Code", the "rich" is hidden in the people, the "rich" is more "secure", and the struggle is more vigorous. To build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, we should not only "enrich our pockets", but also "enrich our brains". The two "rich" should be deeply hidden in the people's lives, so that the "rich" can advance with the times. "The place where the heart is secure is my hometown", and where there is "township", there is "home". Where there is a "home", we should guard it well. There are laws to abide by and improve constantly, which is the "guard" of. When we walk on the road of a well-off society in an all-round way, and then "grasp" the Civil Code, wherever we are, we will find a solution in our heart. Only when the "chassis" is more stable can you drive faster. The Civil Code can find the basis and answer from the real right and contract to family conflicts and neighborhood disputes, which can be said to protect the rights and interests of the people all the time and everywhere. The situation is clear and the confidence is sufficient, which is like solving the "worries at home". As the saying goes, when your heart is steady, your hand will be steady, and you will be more determined to go forward on the way of continuous struggle, which will pour out your enthusiasm for the cause. The "chassis" can drive faster only when it is more stable. When the people are at peace, they will be reconciled. "Harmony" means unity of mind, and unity of mind means success. The Civil Code is like an extremely solid "rock" that has been hammered through thousands of years. It paves the way for the "Fuxing" train to lead the people to a happier life. Even though there may be more and bigger storms in the future, as long as the "cornerstone" of the people's concerted efforts and solidarity is there, the train can move forward at full speed steadily.

In the decisive battle to overcome poverty and achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, we should not forget to study the Civil Code. Let the thoughts and feelings of serving the people in the Civil Code further stimulate the determination and confidence to win the battle against poverty, and let the moderately prosperous society to be built in an all-round way become a solid foundation for the Civil Code to be stable and far sighted.