Impressions of mine warfare
Smoky Mountain Silence
2023-08-14 10:43:56
Junior two
impressions of after reading

The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. On this special day, in order to remember the revolutionary martyrs, we watched the movie Landmine War together.
The story mainly shows that during the Anti Japanese War, Zhaojiazhuang and its neighboring villages on the edge of the Anti Japanese Base were often "swept" by the puppet army, and suffered heavy losses after being attacked. After expanding their armed forces, the villagers blocked the roads to the village with their own mines.
Seeing here, I put my heart down. Originally, I was very sad for them. Unexpectedly, they didn't let the devil succeed by their own strength. I am proud of their self-improvement, because I am Chinese!
Everyone sent Yulan, a militia girl, to keep the wind on the hill. When the enemy arrived, they used the "signal tree" to point to the direction of the devil entering the village, so that everyone could watch out. The idea of this "signal tree" made my eyes shine: who will notice a tree on the high mountain top? Even if I noticed it, who would think that a tree is crooked? I admire their wisdom very much.
The plot of the devil was unsuccessful. The captain of the Central Field Army sent many engineers from Qingdao to detect mines with mine sweepers. He once again invaded the Zhao Family Village, burned, killed, looted and captured many villagers. The scene of the enemy's "burning, killing, looting" made my heart ache, and I cried in my heart: "Damn devil, get out of our land!" Fortunately, the next good news ended my anger and sadness - the militia were very resourceful. After summing up their experience and lessons, they improved the mine technology, so that the enemy could not mine, and once again beat the devil away, I applaud the intelligence of the militia!
Later, we also used various mines, such as trip tired, child mother thunder, gravel tired, hair silk thunder, to stop the invasion of the devil. On the way, the devil died and injured countless people. They dug tunnels in various houses, and everyone fired a shot at the devil, then went into the tunnels to hide, leaving the devil confused, disoriented, and defeated without fighting.
After watching this film, I was shocked by the wisdom and courage of the people in Zhaojiazhuang, especially the two words that made my blood boil: "Without mines, we will make our own stone mines!" "Without steel guns, our enemies will send us!" This inspiring words ignited people's high morale! Yes, where there is aggression, there will be resistance! They won the battle with intelligence, resourcefulness, diligence, courage, unity and cooperation, calm and calm!
We are grateful to those revolutionary martyrs for our happy and peaceful life today with wisdom and at the cost of "throwing our heads and blood"! We contemporary teenagers should cherish today's hard won everything, study hard, and strive to become the pillars of the country. Otherwise, how can we afford those revolutionary martyrs who paid the price of their lives?