2022 Countdown to College Entrance Examination Official Countdown to College Entrance Examination (Selected 89 Sentences)
constant dripping wears away a stone
2023-02-23 14:05:03
Complete sentences

1. Behind every hard work, there will be double rewards.

2. Senior three is a period of collective fighting and individual achievements.

3. Learning is like talent. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

4. Carry hard work and dream together; A hundred day battle will be decided in three days.

5. The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but where we are going.

6. To grasp the present is to create the future.

7. Set up centennial national aspirations and become the pillar of the century.

8. Tomorrow's me, with a ravine in my chest, will immediately shake up the mountains and rivers.

9. Fight for a year of spring and autumn, and fight for life without regret.

10. Today I walk alone, and someday I will fly away like a butterfly.

11. The dream takes off, the heart is happy, the future is bright and more brilliant.

12. Years of hard work is not easy. I wish you a good performance in the examination room.

13. There is only one thing in the world that no one can take away, and that is wisdom.

14. Everyone is the most promising designer and architect.

15. You must be excellent to stop those leisurely people.

16. Waiting for an opportunity is a very clumsy behavior.

17. There are not many experts. If you defeat yourself, you will be a strong one.

18. People should breathe when they are alive. Exhale; Take a breath.

19. I can do the following questions: Be careful; Encounter the question that can't be done: calm down.

20. No matter how cold the stone is, it will be warm after sitting for three years.

21. I hope you can take the college entrance examination and fight everywhere. I hope you can talk and laugh about the breeze.

22. Living aimlessly is like sailing without a compass.

23. I hope that when you close the pen cover, there will be the pride of the soldiers who put their knives back into the scabbard.

24. Sow with today's tears and reap tomorrow's smile.

25. The early morning moon is very beautiful, like you under the night light.

26. If you don't give up, you still have hope. If you give up, you have no hope.

27. Nobody likes examinations, but they are needed in society.

28. Do not make excuses for retreat, but create conditions for progress.

29. Calm down and build my strength; Spell it up to brighten my style.

30. After the college entrance examination, I hope you, who are talented and experienced, can enter the examination room and talk freely.

31. The most difficult person in the world is himself.

32. "Impossible" only exists in the dictionary of fools.

33. The ambition of Kunpeng is to leap across the Longmen Gate and get what you want.

34. Open the door to meet your greatest battle.

35. Don't give in to misfortune. You should challenge it more boldly and actively!

36. May you become your own sun without relying on anyone's light.

37. If you want to live a thousand miles, you can go up to the next level.

38. Hearing the dancing of the chicken, you can become a strong fighting teacher, and heaven rewards you for your diligence to reappear the glorious king style.

39. The power developed by a person with faith is more than 99 people with only interests.

40. Feeling close to you, you will never give up after three years of high school. In June, the Toad Palace will win the prize.

41. The biggest enemy in life is ourselves. Let's go beyond ourselves, challenge our limits and win the exam!

42. The fear is not that there is no way to go, but that there is no way to leave.

43. You should also walk the path you chose when kneeling.

44. Dreams will take you as far as the road is.

45. Face the college entrance examination with a smile, and success is imminent.