Sentences about the greetings on July 1. Sentences about New Year's greetings (173 selected sentences)
Sugar Plum
2023-05-18 22:06:24
Blessing words

1. The sky of history sweeps away the haze of the past; Look at the magnificent China, the dragon rises from the east; Great efforts have been made in reform and opening up, and miracles have been written; There are challenges and opportunities, but never fear. July Day, I believe tomorrow will be better!

2. Today is the Party Building Day. In view of your high personal quality, good style of thinking, and deep understanding of our party, you are hereby allowed to join the Happy Party and enjoy the right to a happy life!

3. Alas for 101 years of great changes in China's mountains and rivers, look up, the economy is thriving, scientific and technological innovation and progress, social harmony and stability, people live and work in peace, what a prosperous age! Let's drink to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party!

4. In the 101st year of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the 'call of the CPC' was kindled. Please don't see the troubles. Work hard and don't be lazy. Get some rest and sleep properly. Exercise your body for your home. Pay attention to happiness. The taste of happiness is spreading. I wish you a happy summer!

5. With one heart and one mind, we will stride forward to a better life.

6. First, in line with the principle that the party commands the gun, I decided to use the happy army to attack you! Defeat your troubles, capture your pressure, exile your bad luck, and let you surrender before happiness!

7. Today is July 1. Red culture spreads all over China, red spirit spreads all over the country, red memory spreads all over the country, and red luck spreads to you. Happy birthday to the Party! Wish you: good luck and good fortune.

8. Under the guidance of the Party, I held high the banner of love, braved the gunfire of yearning, and moved along the sweet road, just to meet you successfully in this life. On the July 1st Party Building Day, hold your hand, and love the party will go together!

9. Light candles for the party's birthday and give best wishes to the motherland; Send birthday cake to the Party, and wish the country well everywhere; Sing a birthday song for the Party, and wish the motherland to develop all the way.

10. On the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, hundreds of millions of children are excited; 101 The road is full of ups and downs and hardships; Divine Dragon overlooks the five continents, and the two sides enjoy compatriots; The hearts of the Chinese people are linked, and China is more splendid!

11. The thunderbolt thundered. China's great party came out, led the people to stand up and become rich and strong. Everyone laughed in a harmonious society. July 1st is the party's birthday, and the people all over the country wish you a happy birthday.

12. As soon as I send you the seven colors of happiness: big mouth "red" in all directions, happy "orange" event, sitting in the "yellow" golden house, walking "green" straight, straight to the "green" cloud road, good luck "blue" can not stop, generation "purple" happy. Happy July 1!

13. Today is July 1, the Rainbow of Seven Colors gives you: red future guides you, orange dreams accompany you, yellow skin highlights you, green life is healthy, blue rain moistens you, blue sky edifies you, purple mood romantic you!

14. One tree of seven qi, work with courage, conduct oneself with righteousness, cultivate one's morality with harmony, cultivate one's spirit with boldness, succeed with boldness, and be blessed all one's life. The key is not to be stingy: don't forget to contact me.

15. Reviewing the great man's quotes on the founding day, the most heroic: all reactionaries are paper tigers; The most Olympic Games: civilized its spirit, barbaric its physique; The most freehand brushwork: the country is so charming; Most rational: the future is bright, and the road is tortuous.

16. On the founding day, the company will promote a group of cadres, and you are on the list. Many female comrades said that they are willing to work if you have enough energy, stamina, drive and can withstand it!

17. The dawn of One lights up the darkness, and the declaration of July 1 guides the direction. The footsteps of July 1st are moving towards glory, and the red flag of July 1st is flying. After wind and rain, it is the first to create. A prosperous and strong China stands in the East. A beautiful singing voice: Under the leadership of the Party, I wish the motherland prosperity.

18. Seven Ones for you, a sense of confidence in yourself, a sense of responsibility for work, a sense of curiosity for learning, a childlike innocence for children, a love for family, a concern for friends, a heart of hearts for building the Party, July 1 is happy!

19. Who led us to emancipate ourselves? It is the Party. Who led our reform and opening up to prosperity? It is the Party. It is the Party that has led us to glory in the 101 years from weak to strong!

20. Tang poetry and Song poetry, chanting for thousands of years, immortality; Chinese civilization is proud and unyielding; It has been 101 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China, a long way to go and bring benefits to China; Cultivate oneself, create civilization together, and create brilliance again.

21. One gives you seven rainbows: red gives you red days; Orange presents you with wealth and happiness; Yellow gives you many gains; Green gives you eternal youth; Blue gives you eternal health; Blue gives you dreams come true; Purple presents you with romantic beauty.

22. Party, I bless you, and wish you to soar like the roc; Party, I wish you, like the fish, like a fish in water; Party, I wish you a bright future like the sun of tomorrow.

23. Upon arrival, the Happiness Party issued a directive: adhere to the principle of happiness unswervingly, focus on wealth and health at the same time, and never focus on eyebrows and beards! Look at money and earn more. Happiness is yours.

24. Practice rural revitalization and never forget the original intention of being bright.

25. Magnificent Chinese sunshine and beautiful Chinese environment; Create excellence and show a new look, and people's livelihood in Kangfu live well; Harmony ripples and civilization shines, harmonious wind flows smoothly and safely; 101 The people in a happy society laugh when the party building is contested.

26. In the 101 years since the founding of the Party, the Party has led the people to create a happy life. Don't forget the people who dug the well when drinking water. Heroes live in our hearts; Today when the motherland is prosperous, there are martyrs' blood and sweat, and their spirit is immortal!

27. The great cause of the founding of the Communist Party of China has been amazing for 101 years. From small to large, it depends on itself, from weak to strong. The correct direction should be as stable as Thailand. Overcome obstacles without changing color, and maintain youth and prosperity forever.

28. Cut a colorful cloud, gather a bunch of bright flowers, pour a cup of soulful wine, compose a river song, set a line of popular sentiment, walk a happy road, and sing a song of birthday. On July 1st, I wish the motherland a better tomorrow!

29. A red flag flies in the wind, and the party's birthday is coming. The hearts of the children of all ethnic groups are surging, and the red songs sing love in their hearts. The Party and the government are close to the hearts of the people, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe. To lead the people to a well-off society, a heart will always go to the Party. The party building day is coming. May the party shine forever.

30. Give you a bottle of detergent to wash your troubles; Give you a bag to bleach your happiness; Send you a blessing, wish you happiness and health, joy is boundless! July 1, may you unite around the Party and create more glory!

31. Give you 7 1's, 1 confidence in yourself, 1 responsibility for work, 1 curiosity for learning, 1 patience for problems, 1 childlike innocence for children, 1 love for lovers, and 1 concern for friends. Happy July 1!

32. Red flags are displayed, and thousands of mountains are famous. The Chinese nation is dancing and singing. Look at the year 101, Yan and Huang are competing. Look forward to the future and revitalize the Lutan. Strive hard and forge ahead. You and I are willing to make our country healthy.

33. The founding day is coming, and we are all the daughters of the party. It is the party that raised us that we have today's happy life. Let's work together, continue to struggle, and make a contribution to the prosperity of our motherland!

34. It is you who illuminate the world, guide me and create brilliance.

35. The Party building day is coming. I wish you happiness and happiness.

36. Try to wear straw sandals, straw hats, patched clothes, eat bark, dig several trenches and play hide and seek with good friends on July 1. It must be very interesting!

37. The light shines on every inch of land.

38. The CPC has made great achievements in 2001; The heart of benevolence for the people and peace for the world; Promoting economic prosperity and stabilizing political diplomacy; We need to improve people's livelihood and rely on science and technology to strengthen the country; Praise the eventful years and look forward to a bright future!

39. With a forthright tone in the north, a gentle tone in the south, a bright spirit in the western region, and an open mind in the east, say the same sentence: Happy birthday of the Party and long-term peace and stability of the country when July 1 comes!

40. Open your eyes to see the new face of the motherland. Boil your blood. Think about yesterday and today, it's good that we live in this era. July Day is coming, and I will send you a holiday gift package. I wish you happiness without limit, every year has today!

41. A program of action: a happy family, a sweet career, a national defense body, a stable income, a group of sincere friends, a sincere blessing, and a bright future! Happy Party Building Day!

July is the harvest season; July is a moving season; July is the season of blessing. On July 1, the 101st year of the founding of the Party, let's sing a birthday hymn together and wish our Party's cause every day!

43. The reform and opening up policy is good, and civilization is growing steadily; The hometown of a great man shows a new look, with an earth shaking face; Featured industries promote development, and the beautiful city looks forward to the future; Blessing message to July 1st, don't forget the party's birthday.

44. On the First Party Day, I hope you will focus on happiness, take happiness as the starting point and end point, focus on good luck, and strive to transform yourself into a "four haves" new person with cars, tickets, houses and face.