Beautiful Spring Good Words and Sentences
be able to advance or retreat
2023-06-01 10:08:03
Complete sentences

1. All things thaw the ice wind and the sunshine wind and the sunshine wind warm the sunshine

2. The day is warm, the wind is clear, the day is warm, the spring is cold, and the spring is cold

3. The earth is full of spring, the earth is full of spring, and the earth is warm with spring

4. Spring buds break through the soil, spring flowers bloom in grass, spring peaches bloom, grass grows and warblers fly

5. Liulvhuaxiang Hongqing Lvyi Liufei Hongshou peach blossom

6. Peach Blossoms, Flowering Water, Green Flowers, Branches, Leaves and Grass

7. The green grass is full of birds singing, flowers fragrant, warblers dancing and butterflies flying

8. Spring is so beautiful. Its beauty is implicit, shy and elegant. Its beauty is natural, beautiful and true. It is free and easy, and there is no slightest falsehood. Let's praise and embrace this beautiful spring!

9. The weather is auspicious. She has walked all the way and brought the most intoxicating day of the year to us. She made us drunk without drinking. She put energy into our bodies, making us feel energetic and energetic.

10. As soon as you get close to the mountains, the birds will chirp and fall into your eyes. The water is strangely green and the sky is strangely blue. The land of my hometown is full of spring poetry. The familiar cottage, the curling smoke, and the yellow dog guarding the village must still be barking.

11. How warm the sun is in spring! Let the cold people feel incomparable warmth, how cool the spring breeze is! It makes people feel extremely refreshing. I wish I could stay at the moment when Spring Girl came to "play" forever! Spring girl, I love you!

12. Life is just like spring. How can there be no wind and rain and no vicissitudes of life? What we need is the spirit of fearing the wind and rain. We can face it bravely. When we are sad, we may get unexpected gains. Besides, the drizzle will clean your wounds, and the breeze will smooth your wrinkles.

13. In recent days, it has been raining lightly, and I feel a little melancholy and depressed. Finally, when the rain stopped, I thought about going outside. After the rain, the air is full of warm and humid air, mixed with a faint fragrance of soil. Stand on tiptoe and jump over the small puddles on the ground, thinking: Spring may have come.

14. In spring, it is hidden on the sparkling lake water. The warm sun shines on the small lake, and the water surface is covered with undulating waves. Just to give people a warm, comfortable feeling, as if we are very close to it, we are now closing our eyes, and the sun is shining on us.

15. Look at the pink stamens of the mountain peach blossom, attracting butterflies and bees flying among the clumps. Other flowers are also gradually releasing flowers, which may also be to show themselves. Now, all kinds of flowers have become more beautiful in spring. Of course, spring is more than that. There are budding trees, awakening earth and returning swallows.

16. Spring is coming, I see that little green in the field, and my heart naturally sounds. I think those strong seeds can't stand the cold land and endless darkness. They can't wait to get out of the land to enjoy the breath of spring. One winter suppresses them for too long.

17. Look at the spring rain, it is so soft, so beautiful, so magical, it moistens the earth, touching the earth. Grass sprouts, trees grow leaves, bamboo shoots grow tall, and crops sprout. Can't this prove that spring rain is magical? No wonder the farmer uncle said: "Spring rain is as expensive as oil."

18. Spring in the song, spring seems to be a song, beautiful and gentle song, bring people into spring. The sunshine in spring does not make people feel hot, cold, but warm; Spring is a song. Children sang "Willow Girl", and the rising sun Yanggang sang "In Spring" at the Spring Festival Gala.

19. I prefer spring to hot summer, when the wind is so soft, the sun is so fragrant, the rivers in my hometown are so clear and the mountains are so beautiful. Walking on the path of spring, poetry will come leisurely. Stepping on the fields of spring, the taste of crops will permeate our soul.

20. Here, Qunfang blooms silently and enthusiastically. In the downtown, people like to talk about competing for beauty and beauty, but here, no matter how warm the flowers are, there is no sense of fighting. It was just a feast, and every flower would decorate it to celebrate the awakening of spring. Compared with the spring here, the spring in the south also loses a little.

21. When we came to the fields, the farmers' uncles were busy sowing. Spring is the season of sowing. If we work hard in spring, we will harvest in autumn. The farmers bent over, but they could still feel their faces full of happy smiles. Although it was not autumn, the heavy harvest seemed to be in front of them. This is also spring, the spring that brings hope.

22. Wake up your sleeping ears and your sleeping heart, and listen to the spring! This spring of grass growing and warblers flying, this fresh and elegant spring, this spring of hope flying! The whirling rain, the shadows of flowers, the murmuring insects, and the whispering breeze all rise and fall one after another and intertwine with each other, forming a symphony of life in the world of flowers!

23. Since ancient times, many poets have loved spring and praised it because of its pleasant scenery, which can be written in poems everywhere. He Zhizhang said: Jasper is made up to be a tree high, and ten thousand green silk tapers hang down. Du Fu said that two orioles sang in the green willows, and a line of egrets went up into the sky. Du Mu said: The green warblers singing from thousands of miles reflect the red, and the wine flag wind in the water village.

24. Although there are still traces left by the cold winter everywhere, spring has stepped on the tail of winter. Spring is the terminator of winter. It will end the decadence and coldness of winter, bring vitality and warmth to the world. Everything in the world will slowly wake up in the footsteps of spring. Everything will shed its thick and heavy layer, and enjoy the breath of spring with a light heart.

25. The light rain "rustles" to the ground, and the distant misty rain is falling, quietly moistening things. I heard the sound of spring buds breaking the ground. "Boom" The first spring thunder resounded through the sky, awakening the wheat seedlings in the fields, the stung elves, and everything revived. The twittering swallow also joined the chorus of birds, singing and dancing everywhere, playing a symphony of spring.

26. In the spring breeze, people walk into nature, release their body and mind, be energetic, and live happily. After wind and snow, the branches have changed their stiff and stiff winter posture, and their appearance is gentle and delicate, full of youth! The grass all over the field seemed to hear the assembly number of the charge, and rushed out to cheer for spring, cheer for spring, and add vitality to spring!

27. I also want to be like a person in spring, taking away the desolation and leaving behind the prosperity. I want to be a selfless person and make contributions to the people, then I will feel extremely honored. Spring is a season that can make progress. As long as there is effort, there will be gains. Just like spring, many poets praise him, for example, when spring is full of flowers and the garden can't be closed, a red apricot comes out of the wall.

28. Here, although the flowers are blooming quietly, they are also very bright. Close your eyes, and you can think about it: the flowers are all over the branches, and each one is bright and moving. The peach blossom blooms once and again, and the warm pink is undisguised. All the beauty comes out at the same moment. Paeonia lactiflora is not inferior. Purple and red paeonia lactiflora bloomed alternately, and finally a long river of flowers opened up the flames of life.

29. It is spring, which makes me understand the changes of time; It is spring, let me know the cycle of life; It is spring, so I know how to appreciate and treasure beauty. This is the season when thousands of trees compete for glory! What stands majestically on the distant horizon is no longer the cold winter. Old Ye does not need to be worshipped, or make the solemn self sacrifice to protect trees from the cold winter.

30. Under the bright sunshine in spring, the ice and snow of lakes, rivers and streams melt... They sing happy songs to thank the beautiful scenery brought by spring. In spring, she waves Ma Liang's magic pen to draw a beautiful blueprint. She gently touched the flowers with a magic brush, and the flowers immediately opened their smiling faces. Under the wind of spring, a hundred flowers bloomed and bloomed, which was a beautiful spring scenery!

31. Spring is a season full of hope; Spring is a season full of vitality; Spring is a beautiful and warm season. Many things have traces of spring. In fact, it is not difficult to find spring. As long as you carefully understand it, you will be able to find spring. Because spring is right beside us, in our hearts