Reading the Silent Spring
Drunken Camellia
2023-10-30 02:42:49
junior middle school
reaction to a book or an article

Close the page, and the movement of the hand is a little heavy. I look out of the window, but I am relieved. Fortunately, it is still the familiar sky blue, and I can still see some figures quickly passing the horizon, which is particularly lovely in this spring.
Spring, with its own characters of color and sound, is an amazing sight when the wild flowers are blooming, and the tender buds are still stained with dew. It is the cozy feeling when the willow branches are swaggering and the new buds are slightly green. It is a lively and varied activity around the ears, but listening, it is very practical.
We have long been accustomed to the beauty of nature's generous gifts. It is hard to imagine the silent spring without color. At the beginning of the book, the author told us the story of a beautiful village mutation, but this was just the beginning of a nightmare. When spring became different, the alarm bell of the end of mankind sounded.
Some ignorant human beings always want to conquer nature. From the past to the present, they prune their so-called disharmonious branches for the earth in a conceited way. Little did they know that human beings will never be the masters of the earth. We have no right to decide the survival of any species, let alone in various cruel ways. We are destroying ourselves step by step while not following the laws of nature to destroy the so-called "pests". In her book, Ms. Rachel Carson mentioned the hazards of chemicals such as pesticides and insecticides for many times, which is like a bomb that human beings have planted for themselves. And this kind of harm will continue to deepen over time, affecting our future generations.
In the past long time, all natural things have reached a delicate balance through self adjustment, which is what we call the biological chain. The reproduction of all species follows the laws of nature. Later, human beings appeared. At first, they could live in harmony with nature. They came out in the daytime and returned at night. The lifestyle of farming and weaving did not affect this balance. Later, with the rapid growth of population and the booming development of industry, human beings gradually found that the slow production efficiency could not maximize their own needs. Coupled with the severe impact of natural disasters and insect pests, they began to find ways to change the status quo, For maximum benefit. Once greed is revealed, it will grow crazily and become uncontrollable at the end.
Gradually, there are fewer insects in the fields. No matter "beneficial" or "harmful", there are no flocks of birds in the sky. Even in many places, the water source is out of order, and the children are sick and weak. But stupid adults are cheering for the increase of crops, breaking the laws of nature recklessly, and will be punished mercilessly by nature.
When they woke up in the silent spring, everything was late. They had to pay hundreds of times the price to restore everything to its original state.
The earth is our home. We live and die together with all the life of the nature. We enjoy every spring together. As an important member of this big family, we have the responsibility to guard this spring and use harmonious methods, rather than playing "smart" to harm other lives.
Keep the green hope, because it is not just our spring.