Sentences about Rainstorm
Thousands of miles in autumn
2023-05-03 16:02:38
Complete sentences

1. The edge of the sky seemed to be a huge piece of lead. In an instant, a flash of lightning broke through the sky, making a huge roar, and soon it began to rain heavily, turning the world into a vast expanse of white!

2. A red flash in the far north seemed to lift a black cloud and reveal a large area of blood. The wind is low, but it is sharp and makes people tremble.

3. The sea is boiling. The universe is bumping. A gust of fishy smell rushed into his nose. It is said that it is the smell of dragons. Great storms and thunderbolts are already circling in the sky, and there will be a dragon hanging here.

4. Sometimes it is "a gentle breeze and a gentle rain do not need to return", and sometimes it is "rain at home in the season of Huangmei". The music is slow and melodious.

5. Only heard a roar in the sky, rain shot down like an arrow! With the deafening thunder, there comes a storm! It's like a storm "arrow" rain. The rain is raging, and the thunder is getting louder and louder. The wind is roaring, and the thunder is roaring! The sky is roaring! The dark clouds became more and more, the rain became more and more heavy, and then a flash of lightning cut off a tree!

6. The bright spring rain, like a group of innocent dolls, gathered in the sky, played down, and jumped into the arms of Mother Earth.

7. Rain has an aura. Different time and space always change different faces. Sometimes, we have to play separation to let different places enjoy its rain and dew at the same time.

8. The sultry night was suffocating, and I couldn't sleep. Outside the window, lightning streaked through the dark night, and the dull thunder sounded like cannon, which made people frightened.

9. There are only thousands and thousands of dragonflies, which are stirring in groups and flying back and forth with the wind. They are strange in shape and have various colors: blue, white, purple and black, like scars on human body, and bright red, like human blood. They are all young and brave, and they are actually fighting against the blue faced and fanged day. It is said that dragonflies are "dragonflies".

10. Sometimes it is the heavy rain that knocks down the swallow, sometimes it is the "black cloth" full of wind and rain, and the music is free and fast, which symbolizes our brilliant life? After the rain, the leaves become greener, and the flowers are brighter and more fragrant.

11. Before the storm, these "flies" smelled the smell of the dragon and appeared in groups. A storm is coming

12. When I looked out of the window, it was already raining cats and dogs. It was like someone splashed water out obliquely, and the strong wind was like someone had offended him, blowing the hangers on the balcony of every family upside down.

13. In a few minutes, the heaven and the earth could not be separated. The water in the air poured down, and the water on the ground flowed everywhere. It became a gray and yellow, sometimes white and bright, water world.

14. The spring rain is falling quietly, accompanied by the warm spring wind, which drives away the traces of winter and puts on the dress of Spring Girl, bringing hope to people.

15. What a timely rain! The corn seedlings in the field will have a good time. I seem to see rain water flowing into the ground, into the orchard, into people's hearts.

16. Before the clouds spread all over the sky, the ground was already very dark, and the extremely bright and hot sunny afternoon suddenly turned into night. The wind brings rain stars, like looking for something on the ground.

17. On Sunday afternoon, I sat in front of the window doing my homework. The room looked particularly stuffy. Suddenly. It was getting dark, and a gust of wind was blowing. It was going to rain. I'll close the window quickly.

18. Late one night, it was cloudy, thunder came one after another, and lightning flashed in the sky. The wind is blowing hard, and the branches are rattling with the wind. In an instant, the heavy rain falls down.

19. The Alps, which are covered with snow all the year round, wear rose colored clothes in the morning glow; The village house in the distance is shining like a girl's eyes, which makes people excited.

20. The rain sprinkles from the air to all corners. The raindrops are like crystal clear pearls. They are very beautiful. Raindrops fall from eaves, walls and leaves, just like broken beads, and finally connect to form a water column.

21. The faint thunder rolled in tight and loose, and the bright lightning swept. Everything lowered its head, closed its breath, and hid in a panic.

22. Gradually, the heavy rain poured down, and small pools of water accumulated on the ground. Grass and flowers bowed their heads in the rain. The rain on the house converges into a rain curtain and flows down the river.

23. In the forest, on the road, near the grass, a soft spring wind blows, setting off the soft spring wind, bringing a fresh and intoxicating smell from the soil with grass roots.

24. At the moment, only the sweet scented osmanthus tree in the courtyard, with delicate flowers blooming among its green and secluded leaves, is the only symbol of passion for life in the rain.