What are the 54 verses describing the Mid Autumn Festival
A thousand years of flowers bloom on the other side
2023-08-01 14:58:27
Complete Poems

1. An hour without knowing the moon is called a white jade plate—— Li Bai's "Gu Lang Yue Xing"

2. Forever knot ruthless travel, phase Miao Yunhan—— Li Bai's "Drinking Alone under the Moon"

3. It's a pity that a stream is full of wind and moon. Don't teach me to crush Qiongyao—— Su Shi's Xijiang Moon

4. Full moon flying mirror, turn to the heart and fold the broadsword—— Du Fu's The Moon on the 15th Night of August

5. Pity the shadow of the moon and beauty at night, facing the Five Hou's wine—— Qi already's Mid Autumn Moon

6. The former, separated from hate into joy, return to say—— Xin Qiji's Mid Autumn Festival

7. The deeper moonlight is half house, the northern dipper is decaying, and the southern dipper is slanting—— Liu Fangping's Moonlight

8. Grasping straw for payment, and issuing cloth by turns—— Wen Tianxiang's "Returning Directors Raise the Mid Autumn Festival Feast"

9. You can have a few free days in January. The Mid Autumn Festival is rare in a century—— Huilin's Play on Mid Autumn Festival

10. The taste of Zen is accompanied by sorrow, which gives me a clear and full floor—— Huilin's Play on Mid Autumn Festival

11. It's half cold—— Sijiake · Mid Autumn Festival by Wu Wenying

12. I'm sorry to have left this beautiful moon—— Sijiake · Mid Autumn Festival by Wu Wenying

13. Before the moon rises above the mountains, Ruiguang grows white hair—— Su Shi's Mid Autumn Moon and Ziyou

14. The city is full of wind and rain. How lucky it is that the two suns are close—— Wen Tianxiang's "Returning Directors Raise the Mid Autumn Festival Feast"

15. Recalling the Mid Autumn Festival Dan Gui Cong—— Xin Qiji's A Cut of Plum Blossom, Mid Autumn Festival and the First Moon

16. Wanted to ride the wind and ask chemical industry—— Xin Qiji's A Cut of Plum Blossom, Mid Autumn Festival and the First Moon

17. Take the Cloud Path to the Jade Emperor—— Liu Kezhuang's Slow Magnolia Flower · Mid Autumn Festival at Ding Wei

18. The sky should be covered with meaning—— Jiang Chengzi, Mid Autumn Morning Rain and Evening Sunny, written by Chen

19. In the Crystal Palace, the flute was blown off—— Su Shi's "Chanting to Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival"

20. The Mid Autumn Festival was originally named Little King Qin. When entering the tune, it was like singing at the Yangguan Pass, gathering clouds at dusk and overflowing cold—— Su Shi's Yangguan Song

21. Where is the height of a building, you must first get rid of it—— Wu Wenying's "Last Offender - Mid Autumn Festival in Jiachen"

22. It is difficult to merge in a good time, and you should be disappointed in the future—— Liu Yuxi's Play in Taoyuan on the 15th Night of August

23. It is difficult to merge in a good time, and you should be disappointed in the future—— Li Shangyin's Play in Taoyuan on the 15th Night of August

24. The beauty sings bitter songs at night along the Qingjiang River—— Wang Changling's "Play with my younger brother Nan Zhai and Recall the Mountain Yin, Major Cui's Residence"

25. The desert sand is like snow, and the Yanshan moon is like a hook—— Li He's Horse Poem, Desert Sand Like Snow

26. Where is the hometown in the northwest and the moon in the southeast—— Bai Juyi, Watching the Moon at the Pen Pavilion on the 15th of August

27. I hope people will live a long time and share the beauty of the moon—— Su Shi's Water Melody: Mid Autumn Festival

28. Drinks should be kept together. Don't burn too much tonight—— Jiang Chengzi, Mid Autumn Morning Rain and Evening Sunny, written by Chen

29. How long will it take to leave—— Su Zhe's Water Melody, Xuzhou Mid Autumn Festival

30. Turn to Zhu Pavilion, low Qi households, and take photos without sleep—— Su Shi's Water Melody: Mid Autumn Festival

31. Green smoke, blue sea and golden mirror—— ChaoBuzhi's Song of Immortals in Cave, Sizhou's Mid Autumn Festival Works

32. I don't know the year of the palace in the sky—— Su Shi's Water Melody: Mid Autumn Festival

33. He is bright and knows how many he is—— The Mid Autumn Moon, the Mid Autumn Moon, by Xu Youzhen

34. Su E, a rascal, went west and never stayed—— Su Zhe's Water Melody, Xuzhou Mid Autumn Festival

35. When it comes to the cold autumn, it is half broken—— Shi Dazu, The Red River, Mid Autumn Night Tide

36. In a good season, we are willing to have the Mid Autumn Festival every year—— The Mid Autumn Moon, the Mid Autumn Moon, by Xu Youzhen

37. Count ten years and celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival in ten places—— Fan Chengda's "Water Melody: Counting Ten Years' Events"

38. Who grinds a round of flying mirror? Shine through heaven and earth, and print through mountains and rivers—— Zhang Yanghao's "The Order of Winning the laurel, Mid Autumn Festival"

39. The precious mirror on earth is still closed, and the immortal raft on the sea is restored—— Sijiake · Mid Autumn Festival by Wu Wenying

40. The blue sea is turning the clouds, the golden well is getting cool at dusk, and the wind is blowing fast—— Wu Wenying's "Last Offender - Mid Autumn Festival in Jiachen"

41. Don't send Su E to know that her hair will be beautiful with him—— Liu Kezhuang's Slow Magnolia Flower · Mid Autumn Festival at Ding Wei

42. On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, I will write this song to say goodbye—— Su Shi's Water Melody: An Shi in the East China Sea

43. Stimulating qi can drive away powder and indigo, and you can swallow Wu and Yue with a toast—— Shi Dazu, The Red River, Mid Autumn Night Tide

44. The dragon stretches over the cliff, the watchtower is lofty, and the music is ethereal—— Wen Zhengming's "Chanting Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival to the Moon"

45. If you want to see Guanghan Palace, the clouds are combing the wind—— Xin Qiji, A Good Thing is Near, The Mid Autumn Festival Feast and Wang Lu qian

46. Try to judge your life by yourself. It is better to stay for a few times—— Liu Kezhuang's Slow Magnolia Flower · Mid Autumn Festival at Ding Wei

47. The life is very round, but I have to fight for it for years and wake up after getting drunk—— Xiangzi Gui's Song of Immortals - Mid Autumn Festival

48. White coagulate and empty dawn, fragrant blow and light ember, lean against the window and small bottle to disperse osmanthus—— Wu Wenying's "Encounter Joy Forever, Mid Autumn Storm at Yisi"

49. The sea of copper, the mountains of sorrow and haze, Yanbei, Yannan and Tianwai—— Wu Wenying's "Encounter Joy Forever, Mid Autumn Storm at Yisi"

50. The wind near the wild geese is small, fly to Qiong and look around, and the blue clouds come late first—— Wu Wenying's "Yu Lou Chi, Gua Jing Du Zhong Qiu Xi Fu"

51. If you ask me about my fate, there will be profits and losses. I will be annoyed by the jade axe, and my luck will be improved—— Xiangzi Gui's Song of Immortals - Mid Autumn Festival

52. White tree dwelling crows in the atrium, cold dew silent wet osmanthus. Tonight, people are looking at the moon, I don't know who will fall in love with autumn—— Watching the Moon in Fifteen Nights by Wang Jian

53. On the Mid Autumn Festival of the third day of the lunar calendar, you can enjoy drinking and get drunk. This article is written with the purpose of bearing children—— Su Shi's Water Melody: Mid Autumn Festival

54. When it is cold in the dew, there are many cold spots in disorder. Shenjing is far away, but Lanqiao Road is near—— ChaoBuzhi's Song of Immortals in Cave, Sizhou's Mid Autumn Festival Works