90 maxims
Silent clouds in the starry sky
2023-05-13 02:08:57
A complete set of maxims

1. The name of success is struggle.

2. Disaster can prove the truth of friends.

3. Release my personality and pursue my dreams.

4. Friendship multiplies joys and reduces sorrows.

5. Goodwill brings happiness, and civilization brings harmony.

6. Strive for victory and write the future in today.

7. Accept what cannot be changed and change what can be changed.

8. Life may not be vigorous, but it should be loud.

9. The person who is willing to take responsibility is the person who is preferred by success.

10. Destiny is responsible for shuffling the cards, but it is we who play!

11. Bees busy gathering have no time to talk in front of people.

12. There is no knowledge that cannot be learned, only diligence that cannot be learned.

13. Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep balance, you have to go forward.

14. You think the person who is more stupid than you is often the person who is smarter than you.

15. Only in times of adversity can one see the sincerity of a friend.

16. Those who dare to declare war on darkness must be full of light.

17. Only those who brave the torrent can enjoy the wonders at the source of the river.

18. How can we keep moving forward? Leave footprints behind.

19. The greatest trust between people is about the trust of advice.

20. Every successful person has a beginning, so let's begin.

21. If both feet of the compass move, a circle will never be drawn.

22. Of the easiest things in the world, procrastinating is the least laborious.

23. Diligence is the code of your life, which can translate your magnificent epic.

24. A good life is better than a good habit. Develop good habits, and you will never end up with them.

25. Learn. If you want to learn, ask; If you succeed, you must attack.

26. After being honed by the sea, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.

27. Above people, treat people as people; Under people, you should treat yourself as a person.

28. Success depends on persistence. Once you persist, no one can stop you.

29. The preventive medicine that can best protect people's mental health is the advice of friends.

30. Don't worry about the ambiguous future, but work hard for the clear present.

31. Life is a proof question. People use their whole life to prove the value of their existence.

32. People who can only walk on the concrete floor will never leave deep footprints.

33. It is difficult to sprint for 100 meters when you don't run for one thousand meters at ordinary times.

34. Our world will never award a medal to a sad laggard.

35. The trouble of the poor is that they have no choice. The trouble of the rich is that they have too many choices.

36. This contest is my starting point. I will start from here and pursue my dream!

37. Only creation is the real enjoyment, and only struggle is the full life.

38. Stick to it. If there is a miracle in the world, there is only another name for hard work.

39. Cherish every second of life, and learn how to harvest at sunrise and sunset.

40. In your work, you should combine every little thing with a big fixed goal.

41. Self defeating is the most tragic failure, and self defeating is the most valuable victory.

42. The way out, there will always be a way out. Difficulties and hardships, trapped at home is difficult.

43. Where there is ideal, hell is heaven; Where there is hope, pain becomes joy.

44. Even if the road is rough, the wheels should move forward; Even if the river is rough, the ship will sail.

45. If the greeting is just a greeting, what's the difference with the monkey's call?

46. No matter how difficult today is, we should firmly believe that there is no tomorrow but the past that cannot be returned.

47. You should help your friends when they are in trouble. Don't gossip after things are hopeless.

48. Happy people will smile in the dark; Sad people cry in their dreams even when they fall asleep.

49. The torrent of life has sprung up to the cliffs, and if we go further, it will become a magnificent waterfall.

50. The strong reveal to people the value of life, while the weak reveal to people their doubts about life.

51. People who have learned and made great achievements since ancient times cannot do without the word "bitter".

52. A lofty ideal is like a flower growing on a high mountain. If you want to do it, diligence is the rope to climb.

53. A lofty ideal is like a flower growing on a high mountain. If you want to do it, diligence is the rope to climb.

54. What is success? That is, after all the roads leading to failure, there is only one road left, and that is the road to success.

55. Step forward in the direction of your dream. I believe that one day you will see your own rainbow.

56. People, in fact, don't need too much. As long as they live healthily and love sincerely, they can also be regarded as a kind of wealth.

57. Turn anger into softness and softness into love. In this way, the world will be more perfect.

58. The cowardly can only stand still, the rash can only be burned, and only the truly brave can prevail.

59. As long as you have lived for yourself seriously and worked hard for the important people in your life, this itself is perfect.

60. Learn in competition and grow in learning. Youth does not fail. It is you who win the competition. Go beyond yourself and dare to move forward!

61. As long as you think about how many things a person can't do alone in his life, you can know how beneficial friendship is.

62. I am a generous girl. I like reading and am good at reading. I have strong organizational ability in my class and often preside over class team activities.

63. The reason why a great man is great is that when he is in adversity with others, they lose confidence, but he is determined to achieve his goals.

64. As long as you work hard, success is not far away. As long as you work hard, you will gain something. Don't give up easily. Remember never to give up.

65. Life can be sweet or bitter, but it can't be tasteless. You can win or you can lose, but you can't give in.

66. People often make the biggest mistake of being too polite to strangers and too harsh to close people. If we change this bad habit, the world will be at peace.

67. Don't treat that person as a friend if he likes you when you are lucky. Only that kind of person is a friend, if he can save your distress.

68. Youth is our pride, civilization is our pride, the motherland is our pride, the world is our pride, and the Olympic Games is our pride!

69. When we were born, we had no purpose! But since we are alive, shall we live happily? Don't let yourself regret living!

70. If you want to attract friends, you must have various qualities. Those who are selfish, petty, jealous, do not like to be beautiful, and do not enjoy the reputation of others cannot obtain friends.

71. Vision is more important than assets, potential is more important than knowledge, talent is more important than machine, health is more important than money!

72. Because banyan trees are rooted in deep soil, the shade of life will grow more and more prosperous. Barnyard grass enjoys the same treatment as grass seedlings, but it does not produce ears of grain.

73. Life is like a mountain. The mountain is very high, so it is not difficult to climb up. Don't be sad because the thorns around you slip off and wear clothes. Hold your dreams, and move forward with perseverance. What will greet you is a happy tomorrow.

74. You can't change the weather, but you can change your mood; You can't choose the appearance, but you can choose the expression; You can't advance tomorrow, but you must make good use of today!

75. A confident character and a lively girl, this is me, Shang Yizhou, a high-tech, practical and small girl. Today I came here to participate in the competition and show myself. I feel very proud.

76. Strive hard, challenge yourself, compete in friendship, surpass yourself, march forward bravely, show yourself, refuel, and compete with others. I always believe in myself.

77. Through hard work and hard work every day, tomorrow's self will appreciate countless hard work now, and all the persistence for dreams will become stubborn.

78. Opportunities will always be left to those who are prepared. I will try my best to spread my smile around and warm everyone around. I hope my arrival will become your exclusive memory!

79. Backwardness means backward ideas, and poverty means poor head. Many people do not have good opportunities, but do not have good ideas. It's not that you don't understand new ideas, but you are unwilling to abandon old ones!

80. The seeds will be dried to death on the cement floor and drowned in water. The seeds will take root and germinate in fertile soil. Selection determines fate, and environment creates life!

81. If you want to change things, you should first change yourself. Only by changing yourself can you change the world. Man's greatest enemy is not others, but himself. Only by defeating himself can we overcome difficulties!

82. Friendship is also like a flower. Cultivate it well, and it can blossom in full bloom. But once willfulness or misfortune fundamentally destroys friendship, this blooming flower in the heart can wither and wither immediately.

83. Show ambition, meet challenges, firm faith, never give up, work together, be ambitious, fight with high morale, never wait for the time, go all out, be ready, do what you want, and give up!

84. Our tattered suitcases are stacked on the sidewalk again; We still have a long way to go. But it doesn't matter. The road is life. I am like an arrow that never stops.

85. People who have no foresight must have immediate worries. When people are good, you should find a spare tire. When people are bad, you should find a way out; When you are proud, you should find a way out. When you are frustrated, you should find a way out!

86. Please remember that applause is still ringing for you and flowers are still presented for you. A temporary win or loss does not mean a lifetime success or failure. Please bravely challenge, because a new horn has sounded!

87. I don't like the temperature of the glass room, and I'm tired of cowardice under thousands of favours. I finally get rid of the shackles of shelling and bravely face the sun! As a young eagle, it always wants to fly. Although its wings are young, they are destined to belong to the sky!

88. It is not that day that decides this day, but yesterday's attitude towards life; It is not tomorrow that determines tomorrow, but what this day does for the cause. Our day is determined by the past, and our tomorrow is determined by this day!

89. Life has only the beauty of coming out, not the brilliance of waiting out. The shortest distance is from hand to mouth, and the longest distance is from speaking to doing. There is a long way to go in life. There are only two or three key steps that need our courage to leap.

90. Life is like the sea, where there are bosom friends and the ends of the world are like neighbors; Life is like the sea, the moon is on the sea, the horizon is at this time; Life is like the sea. The sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly. The ancient poems have profound philosophic theories, and how to warn the modern people when sailing.