21 verses about Mid Autumn Festival blessings
How can I rely on my strength
2023-03-30 00:58:11
Complete Poems

1、 I wish you a long life and a thousand miles of happiness—— Su Shi's Water Melody

2、 Forever knot ruthless travel, phase Miao Yunhan—— Li Bai's "Drinking Alone under the Moon"

3、 The moon shines on the sea, and the horizon is at this time—— Zhang Jiuling's "Watching the Moon and Cherishing the Far Away"

4、 A round of autumn shadow turns into golden waves, and the flying mirror is sharpened again—— Xin Qiji's Taichangyin

5、 Full moon flying mirror, turn to the heart and fold the broadsword—— Du Fu's The Moon on the 15th Night of August

6、 Xie Anying sleeps on the Green Yang Bridge, and Du Yu gives a spring dawn—— Su Shi's Xijiang Moon

7、 What a long holiday! Standing in the sky—— Meng Haoran's Autumn Night with a Heart Under the Moon

8、 Ten rounds of frost shadows turn to the sky, and the night detainee faces the corner alone—— Mid Autumn Moon by Yan Shu

9、 Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir—— Chang'e by Li Shangyin

10、 The former, separated from hate into joy, return to say—— Xin Qiji's Mid Autumn Festival

11、 It's not a good night in my life. Where will the moon be next year—— Su Shi's Mid Autumn Moon

12、 All green girls are resistant to cold, and the moon is full of frost—— Frost Moon by Li Shangyin

13、 Tonight, people are looking at the moon, I wonder who will fall in love with autumn—— Watching the Moon in Fifteen Nights by Wang Jian

14、 It turns to lack of frost, and it turns to be late. The good wind seems to send a good time—— Lu Guimeng's Mid Autumn Festival Waiting for the Moon

15、 At this time, we look at each other without hearing about each other. We are willing to shine on you every month—— Zhang Ruoxu's Moonlight on the Spring River

16、 The Huaihai River is as poor as silver, and the myriad ways of rainbow cultivate clam treasures—— Mi Fu's Mid Autumn Moon Climbing

17、 Before the moon rises above the mountains, Ruiguang grows white hair—— Su Shi's Mid Autumn Moon and Ziyou

18、 It is difficult to combine the best of times, and you should be sad this day in the future—— Liu Yuxi's Play in Taoyuan on the 15th Night of August

19、 Last night, when the wind blew, no one would come. Tonight, the light is as clear as before—— Bai Juyi, Watching the Moon at the Pen Pavilion on the 15th of August

20、 The couple who sent the message, never let the cold get drunk—— Wen Zhengming's "Chanting Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival to the Moon"

21、 Up to now, it will not be a matter of heaven. It should be Chang'e throwing with people—— Pi Rixiu's The Night of Guizi in Tianzhu Temple on the 15th of August