Song Xiaobao's classic lines
2023-06-14 16:06:51
Classic lines

1. You give me the money. Your money is gilt edged

2. Chicken feet!

3. (Holding the tree and calling Dad) Dad! Daddy! I haven't seen you for a long time, and you've cracked (wen four times)!

4. Red rabbit is a horse. I thought it was bunny!

5. (To the big man) You can see clearly this pulse: infertility~infertility~infertility~infertility

6. Look at your color~(sai three times)

7. Where's Haiyan? Can you have some snacks

Why did you fix the mask for me

8. Calving!

9. Oh, I'll go

10. Bad smell!

11. You just don't care

12. Do I give drops

13. Those three threads pierced our nostrils

14. What are you doing

15. Stop!

16. I will!

17. No pain, no pain, pneumatic monkey!

18. I'm so angry!

19. I owe you money. Did I give you an IOU

20. My hunger is a little special

21. Oh, Mom scared me to death!

23. Liu Nao Gourd

24. Don't talk about pretending to be beggars, I will do everything to pretend to be the third grandson!

25. (Talking about himself) It's beautiful and looks like a beggar

26. If I can swipe my card, what else will I need

27. I was almost hung on the wall as a mural.

28. Believe it or not, I will kill you

29. (Talking to Erya) We are good sisters!

30. Do you mean to call me "Mommy"!

31. I have to hurry up and vomit milk!

32. Life is like making a phone call. Either you hang up first or I hang up first

33. Don't make a noise!

34. You will not be successful if you have all the skills