Sentences of sad missing
Lost Birds Return to the Forest
2023-04-25 01:08:53
Complete sentences

1. When you have to contact him, try to be calm and treat him as an ordinary friend.

2. It took only ten minutes to fall in love with him, but it took a lifetime to forget him, and the result is still unforgettable.

3. Miss through the mountains and rivers to ring your doors and windows, you can find the petals in front of the window more than a crystal tears.

4. Then one day, they no longer love each other. The two people who were close to each other became far away, even farther than before.

5. It was my nostalgia for thousands of years, and I saw that woman, although the person beside her is no longer me.

6. The wind tugged at my thoughts, and even thinking about you lost courage. Why are those happy and sweet, broken wings flying.

7. Lonely people always remember everyone who has appeared in their life with their heart, so I always think of them with more than enough.

8. Pen in hand, write down the diary of youth. Simply write down love and missing. You and I can only meet in the fall of online love.

9. Miss can be like this, like tide, like wave, like axe, like knife. It is possible to carve a way that can only pass through each other in a heart as hard as iron.

10. It was the careless bartender who combined helplessness and concern, making me drunk and awake. Maybe it's just the time when I miss you.

11. Love is beautiful because of romance, and sublimated because of marriage. Although romance is what love pursues, stability and plainness are the ultimate destination of love.

12. There is always a constant waiting in the dusk, an eternal expectation in the evening wind, a lonely figure when lonely, and tears when thinking about you.

13. The most sad distance in the world is that two people were far away from each other, but suddenly one day they met, fell in love, and became very close.

14. Some things, some people, if you deliberately choose to forget, it means that you don't want to forget. In the final analysis, feelings are really your own things.

15. The cold current can't cool my love, the hurricane can't blow away my missing, the noise can't cover my heart, the dark night can't cover my deep feelings, I really miss you!

16. The breeze blew across my face. Reminds me of missing you. Whenever I think of you, I look up at the sky. I hope to see your familiar face.

17. The moon shines on the sea, and the horizon is at this time. Lovers complain that they miss each other at night. The candle is extinguished, the light is full, and the clothes are dewy. I can't afford to give my hands full, and I still have a dream.

18. Xiao Xiao Qiu Yu, a long way, sorrow broken people's intestines. Dot radiation, virtual network, remote thinking thousands of miles. There is no way to eliminate this situation. I just frown, but my heart is on.

19. Love is caring, love is dedication, it is the pain of missing, it is the sweetness of memories, it is hard to part, it is the expectation of trembling heart in the morning and dusk How are you, sweetheart?

20. Miss you, from mouth to heart, from morning to night, all the time, everywhere, I miss you! A kind of desire is extremely strong - want to be with you!

21. People's life is very short. No matter what we encounter, it is worth remembering. Sadness or pain are all written on our growth path.

22. When did you begin to hate loneliness. I don't know when I want someone to hurt me. My one is there. And never liked online love.

23. Miss always depends on you, and my heart has begun to miss you! Listen to your cheers and tell me whether you are happy or smiling. My life will be full of you.

24. In addition to the quiet life, sometimes I have to listen to some songs with special connotation. There are thousands of ways to respond to me. I miss myself if I don't obey.

25. Isn't that what I said? You may meet a person in a second, fall in love with a person in a day, but forget a person in a lifetime. This is love!

26. Some people will always be remembered. Even if they forget his voice, his smile and his face, the feeling when they think of him will never change.

27. Love is not complicated at first, but three words: "I love you", "I hate you", or "Forget it", "How are you", "Sorry"

28. The unforgettable yearning for you has long been integrated into the stream of my yearning. Even if I wither silently like grass, I will turn into fertile soil to nourish your purity and beauty like the moon.

29. I believe that one day in the future, you will find that when you think of him again, your heart will no longer ache. It turns out that he has become "the person" unknowingly, putting aside all personal considerations. Cherish what you have now!

30. Fate lets you and me pass by, but there is a feeling without opening your mouth. Love is most afraid of hesitation, and you can only miss it when you look back. Loneliness is strong because of you. You can't endure the long midnight. Tianya can't stop missing you. You are eager to see him again someday.

31. I had a dream of happiness. It was so beautiful and miserable that I experienced the true love of happiness and shocked my heart. I had never experienced heartache before. It was so painful that I could not breathe. When I woke up, I cried happily, and my heart was aching.

32. In the quiet life, in addition to sometimes listening to some special songs with special connotation, there are thousands of ways to respond to me. There are thousands of missing people who don't listen to me and run out of their own... Is Lalalalalalalalala calm.

33. Look at the ticket in your hand. It will be your travel voucher. The rain falling from umbrella flowers in silence is my mood. I have no intention of retaining such a sad day, just want to miss you for a long time after the whistle rings.

34. A person is good, a person can be free, a person can have no scruples, even if he is injured, he can heal himself, but who will heal the scar? But what if I am lonely? But what should I do if I lose myself?

35. Although it has only been two weeks, it seems to me that it has been centuries! I can't help thinking of you when I see a girl like you here, and compare with you secretly -- don't worry, there is no one who can compare with you!

36. There was a relationship that could not continue to burn in the wild. There was a person who would never be close to each other until there was always a voice. It was impossible to turn around. With his hands, he could no longer hold the temperature of the palm. Some things will not belong to you no matter how much you like them. Some things, you are reluctant to leave, are also doomed to give up.

37. When I miss you far away and don't want to leave, there will always be indelible memories. Listen to your voice fade away in the darkness. A trace of fantasy is brought into the dream, and the portrait is gradually blurred. You can't see your face, and your knees can't catch up with her drifting. But people are still chasing the moon and asking, and the vast line of tears. Darkness... darkness.