Sentences of beautiful love Classic quotations Sentences of love Aesthetical short sentences (79 selected sentences)
You said I always think too much
2023-02-17 19:59:01

1. Missing is a happy sadness, a sweet melancholy, and a warm pain. Missing is a long indulgence in yesterday and a yearning for a better future.

2. The answer is very long. I'm going to spend my whole life answering. Are you ready to listen?

3. The falling leaves in the air bring missing; What flows in the water is the autumn water, but it brings concern; The radio waves sent short messages, but received blessings. Tanabata, you are happy, I am happy.

4. The tender pieces turn into romantic declarations, the little deep feelings turn into sweet love, the heart language is continuous, telling persistent yearning; One heart, some mood, unlimited love. Accept my love! Love you forever!

5. Don't be sad. What can happen to me? If the sky falls, I will hold it for you.

6. You and I are mortals, who can have no distractions; It is not that I am confused, but that you make me infatuated; I know you are not cold to me, but I'm still obsessed with you. It's rare that you have a heart of stone, which makes me sad!

7. Once I was worried about being sentimental and damaging the Buddhist practice, I was afraid that I would not fall into the city when I entered the mountain. In the world, you can live up to the Tathagata and your minister.

8. I can get through the wind and wine years, but I can't get through your desperate decision to leave.

9. In the end, if the whole world betrays you, I will stand behind you and betray the whole world; If the world speaks ill of you, I will tell you the truth.

10. You are my mood and my weather, so I can't leave you.

11. I have shortcomings, but I will treat you with advantages; I don't have much money, but I will work hard to earn money to support you; The happiness of love is not in others' eyes, but in you and me. Kiss, I really miss you!

12. I have a small dream, only four words, along the way you.

13. If you have love and no intention, it's hard for you to appreciate yourself if you don't want to be alone. The love relationship of the original heart died, and the beauty of the dressing table shed tears.

14. If someone steals you, I will change from a lady to a shrew for you.

15. One day I can live, and I can kiss you when I turn over.

16. Love cannot last forever, it can only live and die, youth cannot last forever, it can only be fleeting.

17. See love I like you! Once a day I greet you! I love you! As always, I am considerate of you! I will take care of you all my life! I love you with all my heart! It's hard for a daughter to ask me, just you!

18. The flower fragrance of yesterday still lingered in the skirt of my clothes, and the familiar cloud passed by me. I reached out to intercept the yellow withered leaves that were blown by the autumn wind, and a trace of bitterness came into my heart.

19. Maybe I was originally a man of little promise. I just want to take a hot bath, watch a ghost movie in your arms, drink two large glasses of mango juice, hibernate with you, and wake up in spring.

20. Can you watch your step in the future? You must hit my heart.

21. The true happiness, after the ups and downs, after the flat.

22. I want you to become something like breathing. No matter how time passes, you have stayed in my heart.

23. Happiness is really simple: someone loves, something to do, and something to look forward to.

24. I am not your little cute, but your little ancestor.

25. Two surnames are married together. They sign a treaty in the same hall. Their good marriage will last forever.

26. There is nothing in this world that cannot be lost. It is not important to cherish what remains, but what cannot be gained.

27. Remember, you are my woman, and I don't want others to share you.

28. The perfect picture of you in my sight is the postcard I sent to miss. Your happy side face when reading is the pledge of my life belief. Listening to the language of time arrangement, I practiced missing again.

29. Love is in my dream, love is in hope, love you is in my life day and night!

30. True love is a cool breeze in summer; True love is a timely help, giving warmth; True love is a heart to heart, giving people tacit understanding; True love is predestined to give people fate; True love is rare, cherish it!

31. Only when I love you can I feel that I love being a human being.

32. I just long for a permanent love without lies.

33. I want to have you around me, not for a while, but for a lifetime.

34. It's sweet to have you. It's wonderful to be with you. It's happy to hold you in my arms. It's happy to keep you forever. I love you. I just want to give you lifelong love and lifelong love with sincerity. I love you!

35. This is my love. Take it. This is my heart. Don't break it. This is my hand, hold it well. Together, we are going to stand forever.

36. Time is the medium and youth is the employment. In this life, if you are a good time, I would like to be a beautiful scenery.

37. In my life, it's enough happiness to meet only one of you. I have no spare power to like others.

38. What else can I do for a person like you besides liking you?

39. It takes a moment to reach out, but it takes many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, he is the person who should appear in your life. It is no accident. If you don't owe each other, how can you meet each other.

40. My dear, I hate you to leave me like this. I will miss you every minute and every second.