Sad copy to myself
The farthest distance
2023-05-22 19:29:54
Complete sentences

1. Some people dare not love casually after they have loved each other seriously, because they are afraid of repeating the mistakes, hurting their feelings, and becoming more tired. Therefore, we all lost the ability to love deeply.

2. I dare not say that I am the person who loves you most in the world, but I dare to say that you are the person I love most.

3. When you can't make a decision, let time help you decide. If you still can't decide, do it again. Would rather make mistakes than regret.

4. I'm afraid you'll find me when my phone is dead, but I forgot that you didn't find me when my phone is dead.

5. Happiness needs everything, unhappiness only needs a moment.

6. In any case, it is always unforgivable for a person to fall for an excuse. The more no one loves him, the more he should love himself.

7. You are the one I can say I like without blinking an eye, but I am the one who can let go without raising your head.

8. You won't go to the barber shop that has cut your hair bad, or to the fast food restaurant that has eaten your stomach bad. Why do you love the person who has hurt you again and again?

9. Hold yourself when you are tired, and coax yourself when you cry. It is impossible to have a person around you to spoil you all the time. You should learn to love yourself.

10. Life is always a dilemma. No matter how persistent or unwilling you are, you have to learn to accept it. From complaining with tears to treating with smiles, in the end, it was just a happy go lucky situation.

11. The most pathetic love is not like two parallel lines facing each other from afar, but like two intersecting lines, which gradually go farther and farther after knowing each other.

12. Active for a long time will be very tired, care for a long time will collapse, silence for a long time will suffer, miss for a long time will cry. As a result, so embarrassed.

13. I think love can fill the regret of life. However, make more regret. But it is love.

14. How many times must the heart be hurt before it is forced to give up; How many times must a man wait before he knows he is only superfluous. Now the frozen heart was once the warmest; Nowadays, heartless people used to be the most affectionate.

15. It doesn't matter what I said. It's neither forgiveness nor politeness. From now on, it doesn't matter to you if you are sad again.

16. Anyone who is invulnerable to all kinds of poisons has ever had no remedy.

17. It is better to be quiet than to make amends against one's will. It is better to manage one's own dignity and beauty than to care about others' betrayal and misdeeds.

18. You think the worst thing in life is to lose the person you love most, but the worst thing is that you lose yourself because you love someone too much.

19. In fact, I'm tired. I'm used to pretending to be happy, sad, caring and indifferent. I'm used to losing everything. I can say it's OK when I feel pain.

20. The most sad thing is that the people you lost are the ones you have been to. To the heart, without reservation, and then lose all.

21. Everyone will say they are willing when they give, but they can't help but care when they don't get a return.

22. More and more yesterday, less and less tomorrow. I have traveled a long way and met many people. I inadvertently found that the most beautiful scenery in life is calm and calm in the heart, wise and clear in the mind.

23. A good life is created by you, so we should make beauty the lead singer of life. Destiny is responsible for shuffling the cards, but it is us who play the cards.

24. Who can be calm and calm when staying outside? So please don't comment on anyone easily, because you are not among them.

25. A person has only one heart, but two atria. One lives happily; One lives in sorrow. Don't laugh too loudly, or you will wake up the sadness beside you.

26. Have you ever met such a person who knows that you will not have results and that you will be separated one day, but you still want to hold his hand and accompany him to the end of the journey.