Sample Essay on Reading Hou Lun
Wandering Heart
2023-08-13 15:07:31

When I think about it, I haven't read a book called History Can't bear to read it carefully. I only saw the cover in the bookstore. Only the title of the book impressed me deeply.

The other day, I read [Historical Records Remaining for Discussion]. I can't help thinking of the storybook I read as a child. It seems that the title of the book is "The Story of Respecting the Elderly", which was bought by my father. Now I think my father must have made a choice after thinking. Most of the stories in it can't be remembered, but the story about Zhang Liang picking up shoes is unexpectedly left in the memory. Now I still remember the illustrations in the pages, line drawings and sketches, Zhang Liang with long sleeved cloth shirt and blue scarf wrapped around his head, and Huang Shigong with a kind and smiling face. This story was told by my father on a sunny summer night before I read. When you can read and read, feel more intimate. Huang Shigong deliberately dropped his shoes under the bridge and asked Zhang Liang to help him pick them up and put them on. Zhang Liang respectfully obeyed his orders and was praised by Huang Shigong. The legend helped him become a famous face.

In the childish period, such a simple and understandable story is easy to accept and understand the education in the story. When I was a child, I also wanted to meet Huang Shigong and get a different book. So the old man with white beard felt very kind.

However, it was not until I read about the historical records a few days ago that I really came into contact with the source of this story and saw what later generations had made up and interpreted before.

During Liang's taste, he walked leisurely down the Pi. An old father, dressed in brown, went down to Liang's house, and his shoes went down. Gu Biliang said, "Children, take the shoes down!" Liang Erran wanted to fight. For the sake of their old age, bear with them and take their shoes. My father said, "Follow me!" Liang Ye took the shoes because he knelt down to take them. The father took it with his feet and laughed away. Liang Shu was shocked and followed his eyes. The father went to the house and returned it, saying, "You are worthy of education. In the next five days, you will meet me here." Liang was surprised, so he knelt down and said, "No!". My father had already been there, and he said angrily, "What's the future of the old man?" He went away and said, "Let's meet in the morning in the next five days." On the fifth day, the cock crowed. The father came first again, and when he was angry again, he said, "Later, what?" He went away, and said, "Come back early in the next five days." Five days later, it was not half past midnight. One day, my father came and said happily, "That's right." He wrote a book and said, "After reading this, I will become a teacher of the king. In the next ten years, I will prosper. In the next 13 years, when my children saw me in the north, they will see me at the foot of the valley." So they left without saying anything else, and never saw me again. The book is regarded as Taigong's art of war every day. Good for different reasons, often learn to read.

Huang Shigong, who is written by Tai Shigong, reads like the style in Jin Yong's martial arts novels. The characters of Zhang Liang in the article are more vivid and amiable. It's hard for Zhang Liang, who is a descendant of a family, to be asked to wear shoes for others. No wonder Zhang Liang would be 'shocked and ready to fight'. This is also in line with the heroic image of a younger brother who died without burying his family wealth and begged a guest to assassinate Qin. He carried the national enemy and family hatred to avoid the pursuit of Qin soldiers, and his appearance was low-key and his heart was hot. (This paragraph is also a reference for Zhang Liang's personality changes after his later life experience and social identity changes. This is the later part, which will be described in detail later.)

For the sake of his old age, he had to endure, take down his shoes and kneel down to wear them. This just reflects its good quality. It is in line with the family education background of respecting the old. No wonder Huangshi Guild sighs that it is worthy of education. Later, Huang Shigong taught Taigong the art of war, leaving behind the prosperity of the last ten years... After 13 years of seeing me in Yunyun, Jibei, I felt that I had to go through the motions. There is a touch of mystery and destiny.

When the Taishi official wrote the historical records, it was four generations ago that the emperor who stayed as marquis to help him fight the Central Plains and pacify the four sides. The name "history" can't get rid of the shackles of folklore. Gao Zu still attached the idea of killing white snakes for the people. How could he avoid being whitewashed as a military strategist who could defeat thousands of miles away in the strategy making.

Recently, as I grow older, I feel more and more impatient. I feel that I still have a lot of books to read and a lot of things to learn. I also want to practice the big words, learn English, read the prose novels I met in high school, and study economics again... But I always find my efforts and enthusiasm are short and fleeting, and life is always fast and empty