Love Quotes Love Quotes (68 sentences)
Colorful Cloud Flying
2023-05-05 11:31:00
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Love sublimates people's longing to the best state—— Dante

2. The power of love is peace, regardless of reason, rules, honor and disgrace. It can make all fears, shocks and pains turn into sweetness when they are suffered—— Shakespeare

3. Although the joy of love is extremely sweet, it can only survive where glory and virtue exist—— Gulnell

4. To love someone is to help him return to himself and make him more himself—— Merle Shain

5. Those who regard love as an ideal will never have a real ideal—— nameless

6. Love does not develop logically, so we must always pay attention to its changes. Love is not eternal, so it must be pursued constantly—— Cypress poplar

7. Love is the sweetest joy and the strongest pain. --- Philip Bailey

8. Whoever says "I don't love" is in love—— Ovid

9. Love is like Buddhism's Zen -- it can't be said, it can't be said, it's wrong—— Sanmao

10. People have many definitions of love: love is the poetry and sun in life—— Belinsky

11. Love gives and receives nothing but itself—— Gibran

12. The combination of sincere love is the purest of all combinations—— Rousseau

13. To love and be loved is the greatest happiness of life. --- Sydney Smith

14. I tell you that God of Love is the second sun of all things. Wherever he shines, spring will be full of vitality—— Chapman

15. Love, like a leaf, turns green in neglect and buds in patience—— He Qifang

16. Love is the flame of life. Without it, everything becomes dark—— Roman Roland

17. Fear of love is fear of life, and fear of life is half a zombie—— Bertrand Russell

18. If love loves for self-interest, this love is not true love, but a desire—— Edmund

19. Love makes cowards bold, but makes brave men cowards—— Shakespeare

20. In the final analysis, love is a reflection of one's self-worth on others—— Emerson

21. Love is a full life, just like a cup full of wine—— Tagore

22. Love is free, and free love is the truest—— Tennyson

23. Love, only love, can make people dare to sacrifice their lives for the people they love; Not only men but also women can do this—— Plato

24. Friendship can only warm people's hearts like love, and love can only be unbreakable like friendship—— Moore

25. No rope can be pulled more than the double strands of love—— Lo Burton

26. Love can only come into being and exist in the profound and mysterious intuitive world. Having children is not about love itself—— Vladislav Soloviev

27. We are born for love; Love is the principle and the only purpose of life—— Disraeli

28. Love has wonderful magic power, which makes one person fall for another—— Thurber and White

29. Some people object that love will become as valuable as forbidden fruit—— Li Panjiang

30. It is absolutely true that love makes all people become eloquents—— Rogling

31. Because of love, we don't give up. Emotion is the power to solve all problems—— Ma Yili

32. Love is a rule, and lust is a trap. Drunkenness and alcoholism are different. Drunkenness means one woman, and alcoholism means all women—— Hugo

33. True love can only come into being after giving up personal happiness—— Leo Tolstoy

34. Water will run off, fire will go out, but love can compete with fate—— Nathaniel Lee

35. As long as men and women really love each other, it is still sweet even if they are not married at the end—— Tennyson

36. Love is not who sacrifices for whom, who does what for whom. Once love becomes like this, it is not love—— Merle Shain

37. Love does not grow old. It keeps eternal flame and eternal glory. The existence of the world depends on it—— Zola

38. Love is a great teacher. She teaches us to be new—— Moliere

39. People should only forget themselves and love others, so that they can be quiet, happy and noble—— Leo Tolstoy

40. Sudden love needs the longest time to heal—— la bruyere

41. Marriage is the tomb of love, but without marriage, love will die without burial place—— Cao Shizhen

42. Love is not only colorful, but also pleasing to the eyes—— Shenstone

43. Only when people are in love can they show their individuality and originality—— Turgenev

44. Love, your words are my food, and your breath is my wine—— Goethe

45. See that love is the only true love; A little hesitation is not enough—— Zangwell

46. The sweet syrup in love can offset a large amount of bitter liquid, which is the general praise of love—— Keats

47. When love taps on the shoulder, a man who scorns poetry and painting will become a poet—— Plato

48. Love has no rules and should not have conditions—— Lyly

49. Love has a thousand moving heartstrings and different notes—— Joe Crabbe

50. When success comes to the door, love often goes out of the window. --- Joyce Brose

51. Sincere and pure love must be imbued with respect for the labor and occupation of the beloved—— chair of the Political Consultative Congress after the Cultural Revolution

52. What is a life without love? It is a long night without dawn—— Burns

53. Love confuses the concepts of right and wrong; Strong love and proud ambition have no boundaries—— Jo Dryden

54. The silent melody played by Eros is far more beautiful than that played by musical instruments—— To Brown

55. Love is the flame of life. Without it, everything becomes dark—— Roland

56. Love pulls me here, while reason pulls me there—— Ovid

57. Sometimes feelings are just one person's affairs. It has nothing to do with anyone. Love, or do not love, can only end by itself—— Annie Baby

58. When you really love someone, you will forget your own bittersweet gains and losses, but only care about each other's bittersweet gains and losses—— Roland

59. Habit is everything, even in love—— Wovinag

60. True love can inspire people and awaken their sleeping power and hidden talent—— Bojiaqiu

61. Love is real, lasting, and the sweetest and bitterest thing we know—— Charlotte Bronte

62. True love is like a beautiful flower. The more barren the ground it opens, the more pleasing it looks—— Balzac

63. Love is the harmony and tacit understanding between two intimate souls in life, faithfulness, kindness and beautiful things—— Belinsky

64. It may be easy to love the whole human race; It's hard to fall in love with someone seriously—— proverb

65. Emotion is difficult to deal with. You can't put it in the refrigerator just because you think it can be kept for a certain period of time and will not deteriorate—— Zhang Ailing

66. I am happy, because I love, because I have love—— Browning

67. The wine of love is sweet and bitter. Two people drink, it is nectar; Three people drink sour vinegar; If you drink casually, you will be poisoned—— educational theorist and reformer

68. Women love with their ears, but men love with their eyes if they will—— Shakespeare