How do you feel about spending money to get angry
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2023-06-22 09:19:34
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1. For the first time, I regret spending money to pitch. I didn't feel anything after losing. I regret why I spent money to get angry.

2. It takes ten hours to send a message. There is no return address at all.

3. I really spend money to get angry. I'm angry every day. I can't do anything for fear of being dangerous.

4. Spend money to get angry, and become helpless and speechless again to form the most annoying kind of people, a failed life.

5. Why should I spend money to be angry? If I spend money, I will change it. What's the matter? You can't live by your own wickedness.

6. The clothes are fried again, and I spend money to buy anger. Only clothes I can see.

7. Spending money to buy anger and suffering, spending money to buy guilt and suffering is a son of a bitch.

8. If there is anything in the world that you can afford to spend money on, a haircut is definitely one of them. The haircut was so ugly. Fortunately, I tried to persuade me to perm my hair. In a fit of anger, I shaved my head and washed, blew, cut, and permed it.

9. As expected, I suffered because I was not good at words. I could not explain but became haggling over every ounce. Knowing this, I had to spend money to buy it.

10. Rework is the most annoying thing when you start to make something bad. It takes time, effort, money and temper.

11. Whoever likes to buy it will buy it. I don't care what kind of single chain he opens, and I don't spend money to buy it.

12. I can't do laundry in winter! I'm so angry! It's really a pleasure to spend money!

13. The most important thing is to be happy. Spend money to get angry. Why can't you vent your anger.

14. After several months, it finally looks like this, and the days of spending money to get angry are coming to an end.

15. I was so angry that I had to buy things again when I couldn't get them. I complained to the courier, but nothing happened. Only I spent more money and still felt angry.

16. I was annoyed by my poor man when I cut my hair. I'm regretting what I did an hour ago.

17. Why do I like to spend money to get angry? Today the barber really made me want to cry.

18. Sometimes, I prefer to choose SF Express rather than other express companies to spend money there.

19. When I woke up, I was the one who chased zh. This little wind and wave is nothing. But I'm still angry, spending money to buy it.

20. I've never played Jiansan so irritably before. I'm not happy when I go online every day. I feel like spending money to get angry.

21. I don't want to spend money to get angry, so I decided not to spend money. I want to spend money on business.