Describe yourself as a toiling life
Flying flowers like dreams
2023-05-03 13:19:29
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. I feel that I have been toiling for a long time. I haven't been lying at home for a day, so I feel dizzy, swollen, backache and backache.

2. Hard work is hard work. When can I take care of myself? I'm really tired.

3. I didn't feel very tired at first, but some people are worried about me, and I feel really tired. I have to work hard all my life.

4. I feel that if I go on like this, I will be toiling for my life. I have to do something that I don't need to do myself.

5. Since returning to work gradually, Pangpang's insomnia has healed. Suspicion is a busy life, not busy on all kinds of illness.

6. Who can blame, who can blame, can only blame themselves for not working hard enough to make a living!

7. Virgo may really worry about working hard, and don't worry about anything. Many things are done by themselves.

8. I am so busy spitting blood that I have to work hard all my life. I always find a lot of things to do for myself. When the file is empty, I will take the job. Now I really dig a hole for myself. It's too tired.

9. He was born to work hard. He had to do housework after finishing his meal. His daughter-in-law could only spoil herself.

10. Some people are born with a good life, and some people are born with a hard life. Maybe I am the latter. I have to do everything by myself.

11. Life is full of bitterness and helplessness, and is born laborious! Without ideals and expectations, others live the life they want! It's really tiring

12. Suddenly, I found that I had always worked hard. Once I had some consumption and enjoyment, I felt I was wasting my life. Alas, the value of life should lie in work.

13. You can also paralyze yourself at home. If you answer someone's words, you will not let yourself idle! Born to toil.

14. After a month's work, I seldom had a rest on Sunday. I wanted to sleep more, but I woke up at 5 o'clock. It's hard work. Alas!

15. I'm just a hard worker. I can't let go of anything. I want to do everything by myself and worry about everything.

16. I should be good to myself. Why did I live a hard life? I think I had to learn to be lazy because I pursued perfection.

17. I feel like I am working hard. I am so tired that I will faint. I can still hold on and hope to love myself in the future.

18. I'm born to work hard. I have to do things by myself. No one can trust me. I'm not the kind of person who can be a leader.

19. In the future, I will not say that I am tired, nor will I sigh! The reality is really toiling, and happiness has been sighed away by me.

20. Sometimes I really don't understand my former self. Making money is for me. Why do I always make myself like a toiling life? I will never let myself enjoy it first.

21. What is called "more is more wrong"? Today, I really have a deep feeling. When can I relax a little? Depressed and bent.

22. I'm really tired. I don't want to manage anything. But I will be annoyed by so many things. Is this life of toil? How can I let myself do nothing? I want to be self willed and selfish once.

23. You may be a busy person. The busier you are, the more you feel.

24. It's hard to be a full-time wife. It's so hot that I want to go back to work and admit that I'm working hard!

25. I have divined myself, and I am doomed to toil all my life!