Gao Leng's essay (Gao Leng's proud essay)
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2023-03-09 01:07:02
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1. Remember, your kindness should be left to those who know how to be grateful, rather than those who take your kindness for granted and who will not be satisfied with their desires.

2. The reason why you are single: it is not because you are not good-looking, you have unlimited food intake and unlimited achievements; If social intercourse fails, the lazy person still hopes for the peak. People who are ugly also control their looks, while few friends prefer houses; Being single is always affectation and self willed without money.

3. Some people are destined to be cancer in your life, while others are just a sneeze. What should be left, what should be rolled!

4. In fact, it will be better if you leave me, and I am the same. I really misunderstood.

5. Sweet mouth, hard heart, stay, roll. From now on, either endure, or be cruel, or go away.

6. Don't dislike a girl's childishness. If she doesn't like you, she will be more mature.

7. From today on, anyone who has no money will talk to me. I can tell you how I spent my days without money.

8. Don't care about me. I'm just a burden to you. Don't remember me, as long as I remember you.

9. Wine is either not drunk or drunk, because the feeling of being half drunk is too sober, which reminds people of old love or old love.

10. I am very simple and extreme. I like a person, either 100% or zero%.

11. Right or wrong is not important. Rather than tangle with these things, it is better to take advantage of the time of love and never look back after loving.

12. Every time you hear me speak so straight, you should bear with me. I just want to directly slap the face and say: I hit people so hard, you have to bear it.

13. I would rather be a woman man in a group of boys than a brain teaser in a group of girls.

14. In addition to being expensive, all the others are advantages. In addition to being cheap, all the others are disadvantages. Don't always say you don't want it.

15. You have countless spare tires, and your feelings are endless. Not because you are attractive, but because you are cheap and versatile.

16. If he doesn't insist or stay, he will let go easily if he has the ability. I will turn around and leave with temper