Stylish writing (elegant and fresh literary essays)
Glorious years
2023-03-11 22:04:12
Complete sentences

1. When we are young, we may fall in love with a person and never forget it. Then we can't defeat the cause and effect. In the time shortage, we lose, look back and be indifferent. No longer naive, no longer persistent.

2. Over time, you will know whether you like it or not, whether you are suitable or not, and whether you can be together is three different things. Appearance determines whether it is possible to be together, personality determines whether it is suitable to be together, material determines whether it can be stable together, and trust determines whether it can be together for a long time.

3. Elegant life, light and tasty. Our life is like a pillar of incense burning: the past is gone, and happiness or pain, like ashes burned to the end, will eventually fall. people

4. Love is a person who easily controls your emotions: one moment makes you cry, the next makes you laugh. The cruelty of time lies in that it can only lead you to the future, but not to the past.

5. I have never been good at saying goodbye. I stopped talking for a long time. I didn't know what to do to make efforts or what to say to save the ending of the story. So I kept silent after all.

6. Road, right there. Maybe it's a step forward. Two steps. Three steps. You can reach it. The first step is to know, the second part is to understand, and the third part is to realize that we are on the way. The twinkling stars seem to be photographing our journey, which is recording beautiful bits and pieces.

7. Each choice has a different ending, just like taking a different road will have different scenery, so if you want to see the splendid scenery, you can ponder for a moment before making a choice.

8. Missing love, like a stagnant watch, can never meet the staggered hands. Some scars will stay in the heart even if they are scratched lightly. In life, there always seems to be an unbearable pain.

9. I used to think that if I really treat a person I love, I will be forever. Now I think of it, but it's just a joke.

10. I thought the bird could not fly over the sea, because the bird did not have the courage to fly over the sea. Years later, I found that it was not the bird that could not fly over the sea, but that the end of the sea had no waiting.

11. I think that in this world, even if there is no best meeting, there should be the best efforts to meet or meet again. Because time will remember your tender and sincere heart.

12. People's hearts are warm and cold. What someone can understand is happiness. Grasp a few true feelings and make heart to heart exchanges; Take out some sincerity, and exchange sincerity for affection; To know each other in heart, we must know each other in truth; Only by getting along with purity can we look at each other transparently; Only when we cherish each other, can we live together for life.

13. How many times must the heart be hurt before it is forced to give up; How many times must a man wait before he knows he is only superfluous. Now the frozen heart was once the warmest; Nowadays, heartless people used to be the most affectionate.

14. Don't be afraid, grievances are only temporary, and the road will become brighter and brighter; You are young and kind-hearted. What are you afraid of.

15. Life is a kind of kindness; To live, we must learn to be indifferent. Don't put others too high, then you will be low; Don't put yourself too high, then you will hurt.

16. What one can and should let oneself do is not to feel safe, but to accept the reality of insecurity.