Experiences of "Love Notebook"
I'm here to hold you on the other side
2023-10-14 22:07:24

This is a romantic to almost dream, but also ordinary to deja vu love story. Like the orange picture of the sky and the earth at the beginning of the film, it is so beautiful that people are scared. It seems that this should not belong to the world. However, it just exists peacefully and comes every evening as promised.

In that year, they were only seventeen years old. They had abundant vitality waiting to be released, and life that was too long to see the end was waiting to be burned.

He fell in love with her first. In the amusement park, her smile is so bright that she is unbridled. It is worth him to use a shocking way to exchange her for a date.

His pursuit is straightforward and desperate. Probably only when you fall in love with a person crazily will you forget all the skills of pursuing girls; It is probably only when we are young that our love will have the courage to leave no way behind.

They are all so lucky to meet their feelings in a narrow way at the purest time.

They fell in love with each other, which was as hot as fire, with the sweetest kiss and the fiercest quarrel. They have too much unspeakable youth restlessness, and they should vent it in their feelings.

The first time they failed to make love, I think it will become a topic they often mentioned in the following decades.

So green and funny for the first time. The two of them took off their clothes in turn like a game, until they dealt with each other naked.

The vigorous desire and the tender body that can't be placed anywhere make this first time look funny because of being green and holy because of being pure.

I believe that for these two children, this is a sacrifice and an oath. It is simple, but never imprudent.

But at this time, the family stopped in front and forced it to draw an incomplete end.

At the door of her study, he could hear the quarrel between her and her parents clearly. The little self-esteem left him, but she chased him out, crying for his forgiveness. Then there was a quarrel. Although they were all right, they still wanted to quarrel. It's really too young. All words must be said, all things must be done, and all hearts must be broken.

One second, she told him to go away. The next second, she regretted it and said:

"We didn't really break up, did we? We just quarreled... Everything will be fine tomorrow, right?"

However, it was late, just a little bit late, but it was enough to make them pay the price of several years' departure.

In recent years, too many things happened. He joined the army and she went to college; When he came home, she fell in love with others; He built their house, and she was ready to be someone else's bride; He sought comfort from Martha, a military prostitute, and tenderness from Long, his fiance.

Perhaps the only thing that didn't happen was their common feelings. It hides in their hearts, giving people the illusion that it is dead.

If I fell in love with Noah in the first half of the film because of his young and handsome face and frank and cute way of doing things, then I think I fell in love with him in these scenes after they parted.

Loose and messy curly hair, thin and haggard face, chin with forked beard. Always alienate the depressed eyes.

It is still a face that can make thousands of women fall, because it has precipitated too many vicissitudes of life and has a charm that people can't help falling.

Men who are down and down are more attractive, aren't they?

Some people, after all, cannot escape each other, and must spare no effort to return to each other.

Ellie just saw him in the newspaper, and she would go to find him regardless.

At first, they were calm. They looked back like old friends, and even she could look him in the eye and say, "At that time, we were just two children, but we really loved each other, weren't we?" Sad, but it seemed like relief.

Outbreaks are instantaneous, and a heavy rain is enough to wash away all the camouflage.

She finally couldn't restrain herself: Why didn't you write to me? Why?

Previously, what she cared most about was not the shackles of reality, but only him. She hadn't written to him in those seven years.

It is easy to clear up the misunderstanding.

He said: I have written 365 letters to you, one letter a day and one letter a year. She believed.

Of course we understand that it is true.

But what if it's fake? Will she believe it?

Want to come, will. Because that has always been her dream. Making love with him is her interrupted dream.

After seven years, they finally realized it.

This is real sex. At the moment, they are so skilled. They know how to release their vitality in the most intense way.

Perhaps, the body is the most faithful to time. It records all traces of time, reminding you that you are not the pure child in the past. In retrospect, it has been ten years. Everything that actually exists has changed, but some ethereal things have not changed, such as feelings.

The body can't go back, but the heart can.

The reality is powerful and cruel, but not all the beautiful feelings will be broken up because of the reality. They just have a huge scar that cannot be eliminated, but what then? Broken mirrors can still be reunited, whose life has no cracks?

They still have a long life to make the scars become the witness of feelings, as long as they are together.

They are still together after all. In the film, this is a bit abrupt, because in the last picture, Ellie was still crying and told Long: I know I should be with you. In the next scene, she threw herself into Noah's arms. Under the setting sun, her smile was as bright as the first time.

How she persuaded Long and her parents? We didn't see the process, but only the results. This will really make the audience have a moment of doubt. However, we will soon understand the director's intention.

No, it's because what happened in the middle is no longer important for their feelings. It's too long. At this time, they just need dreamlike romance, nothing on earth.

Yesterday's seed is like yesterday's death. What they have is the future. They will stay together in the future until they are old. She forgets him until they are afflicted with their own diseases. Until they die, they will stay together.

It is affectionate but not sensational, romantic but real, and can give people real fantasy space. I thought that one day, this story might also happen to me, deceiving myself, but I enjoyed myself.

"Because of love, I always bring you back to me."

This is what Noah said to Allie at the end of life, and it is also the most touching sentence of the whole film.

At that moment, I actually believed that love could really cross life and death, just to bring you back to me.