Sweet and happy talk about mood phrases
I didn't mean to fly a swallow into a dream
2023-05-30 12:05:24
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. I don't want to marry, but I just want to marry you.

2. Tell me if you want to smoke in the future, and I'll kiss you.

3. You said you won the world because of me.

4. Let me hold your hand and walk with you.

5. Follow your footsteps and go everywhere.

6. Unless the loess and white bones, I will keep your years without worry.

7. As soon as my girlfriend said she missed me, I knew she was hungry again.

8. Even if I lean on your shoulder, I will cry and laugh!

9. You sit in the most expensive and tearful place in my heart.

10. Holding the person you like is the best feeling.

11. Life is for business, not for calculation!

12. Is the eye lost or the heart has no light.

13. If you can think of me in the future, I hope it is a warm moment.

14. When you are really loved, you don't have to be so beautiful.

15. I eloped with him, and our love was perfect.

16. My temper drove many people away, but left the most real people.

17. That person, I love you so much that I don't even want my love.

18. Don't promise me all your life. I'm afraid you will be killed by thunder.

19. If your choice is the end of hell, I am willing to accompany you to fall together.

20. I don't know what to say, I just suddenly miss you at this moment.

21. Everyone said I spoiled you, but you said I never spoiled you.

22. I love you deeply. I love you with my dreams and my purest feelings.

23. If you wear flat shoes because you are waiting for me to take you away one day, let's go now.

24. The most precious thing in the world is not what I can't get or what I have lost, but the happiness in my hands now.

25. I want to accompany you to go shopping, cook, watch TV and live our simple life.

26. I will cherish those who say good morning to me every day, because not everyone can think of me when they open their eyes and wake up.

27. He always calls me Ni'er. Sometimes he makes a mistake and calls me Daughter in law. Before going to bed, he calls me Madam. Good morning, he calls me Wife. When he is happy, he calls me Baby.

28. At first, you use a bunch of adjectives to identify the ideal lover. After you really fall in love with someone, his name will replace those terms as a noun.