The first chapter of Journey to the West
today we are no longer as we have been
2023-10-27 09:01:29

In this research study, I will mainly talk about the artistic features and ideas of Journey to the West.

In the corridor of history, literature is a symbol of the development of a country and a nation, the most authentic social portrayal of its development, and the most beautiful cultural and artistic gem of a country and a nation. Admittedly, science has no borders, and literature is also beautiful! However, due to the cultural differences of various nationalities and countries, people have different views on the appreciation of literature. But the essence of literature, whether in China or in the West, is a literary star that will never wither, always shining in people's hearts. Just like "One Hundred Years of Solitude", the representative work of Latin American magical realism by the Colombian author Garcia Marquez, the author skillfully combines reality and illusion with a new creative approach, integrates myths, legends, folk stories and other elements, and shows a colorful image space. It also traces back to the ancient Chinese literature Journey to the West, opening a new chapter in the Chinese novels of gods and demons. The author Wu Chengen successfully used the positive romanticism creation technique, skillfully combined the acrimonious satire, the good intention ridicule, and the serious criticism, and expressed the supernatural novel Journey to the West incisively and wonderfully, attacking the darkness of the society at that time from the side, and the faint of the rulers to express their grief and indignation that it was difficult for them to meet the bright king with talent, and they could not shoulder heavy responsibilities.