Feng Jicai's Reading of Forty eight Kinds
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2023-08-11 17:01:19

Feng Jicai's Reading of Forty eight Kinds

When you finish reading a work, you must have a lot of things to share. At this time, you need to carefully record and write your feelings after reading. But how to write the feeling after reading? The following is the review of Feng Jicai's Forty eight Kinds, which I hope will be helpful to you.

Feng Jicai's "Forty eight Kinds" is a short story about Tianjin craftsmen included in "The World's Wonders", which shows the author's love and pursuit of traditional folk culture. If you are a businessman, you may get something from it.

As the saying goes, the fragrance of wine is also afraid of the deep alley. No matter how good your stuff is, it's useless if others don't know how good you are. Yu Liuyi, the master of Forty eight Kinds, was such a craftsman at the beginning. His medicine and sugar are unique, but he doesn't say, sing or shout. The second master Liu of the neighborhood gave him a move, and Yu Liu was ingenious and thought out a new move. When others tried to learn from him, no one learned from him after several changes. I have to say that Liu Erye is a kind man. He has a lot of life experience, and he has no reservations. He has told the business experience to this stranger again and again, which is worth learning. In particular, the last sentence, "The Yu family can bear to pass on women, and my son will learn art", showed me the wisdom of Second Master Liu. Similarly, Yu Liu, as the representative of craftsmen, is not a pedantic trader, but a flexible, down-to-earth and hardworking man. The promotion of his craftsmanship benefits from Second Master Liu on the one hand and his own diligence on the other. This is the way to do business. Isn't this a true portrayal of traditional artists' constant innovation and ingenuity?

A big problem facing modern society is that some traditional handicrafts are lost and some unique skills cannot be inherited, just as there are many examples of Yu Liu's unique skills in the article. Traditional handicrafts are the treasure of our folk culture. It would be a pity if they could not be handed down. The author also calls for the protection and inheritance of traditional handicrafts through such articles to carry forward Chinese traditional folk culture.