Encourage yourself to try to be brief
The blue sky and white clouds
2023-05-10 09:04:33
Complete sentences

1. Don't play mahjong like others. Don't do things that torture your body and mind.

2. Youth is colorful, with it, you will have a colorful life.

3. Perseverance and change can conquer any peak in the world.

4. I firmly believe that hard work can bring good luck, that heart can bring true feelings, and that kindness is a good thing.

5. Believe that you have unlimited potential. As long as you are eager to grow for a moment, it will support you to blossom and bear fruit.

6. If you wish to win, use persistence as your good friend, experience as your consultant, vigilance as your brother, and desire as your sentry.

7. If one has nothing to give, he will have nothing to achieve. It doesn't matter if you fall down and lose, get up and continue the journey of wind and rain, and sing and walk.

8. The frustration of many people's dreams and plans is caused by two small problems: unable to get up in the morning and unable to get off the line at night.

9. The opportunity is to fight for the fate by yourself and grasp it by yourself. Life is your own drawing board. Why should you rely on others for coloring.

10. One of the happiest things in the world is that after a lot of effort, everything is slowly becoming what you want.

11. If you have a dream, try hard, because in this lifetime, if you don't work bravely now, you may never have a chance again.

12. It is the beauty of youth, the joy of youth, and the duty of youth to look boldly, to think tirelessly, and to move forward!

13. Be pessimistic about success and optimistic about failure; Relax to look at yourself and be tolerant to look at others; Look at problems rationally, and look at life purely.

14. I know I'm too sensitive and tired, but I'm the kind of person who thinks everything is bad. After all, it's better to be disappointed in advance than suddenly.

15. The hope is that no matter where you go in the city you are familiar with, there will be my friends who will greet you warmly when you knock on every door.

16. Please believe that everyone has unique skills. In this world, there is no one who is good at nothing, and of course there is no one who can blind people from head to foot.

17. One of the most special weaknesses of people is that they care about how others view themselves. In this journey, I hope you will live a vigorous life and not be tired by others' eyes.

18. The simple life does not emphasize inaction and inaction. In life, you should strive for what you should strive for, pursue what you should pursue, and make sure that you have a reasonable choice.

19. The duster cloth, which is ordinary in work, is ignored by no one, but it gives people a beautiful purity in obscurity. As long as the thought is promising, any work has lofty significance.

20. Time, every day is 24 hours, but the time of the day brings wisdom and strength to the diligent people, leaving only regret to the lazy people.

21. If you are successful in your career, don't think it was brought to you by the God of Fortune. The God of "destiny" has no such power, but is dominated by the God of "discrimination".

22. Some scenery, if you don't stand on the high ground, you will never realize its charm; Some roads, if you don't go, you never know how beautiful they are.

23. Growth is always composed of countless ordinary and arduous steps, but each step of gorgeous scenery will turn into an illuminating beacon to illuminate the journey to the sea of stars.

24. Take a risk! The whole life is an adventure. The person who goes the farthest is often the one who is willing to do it and is willing to take risks. The "safe" ship never goes far from the shore.

25. One of the signs of maturity is to understand ridicule: not only ridicule the world, but also self ridicule. When you are tired, don't fall down. Think about your parents at home, and stand up and tell yourself that this is nothing.

26. Do what you like, and you will no longer have a job in your life. No matter what you choose to do, the degree of perfection determines the height of your achievements. The harder I work, the better my luck.

27. Light or elegant, flowers are always in bloom; The moon is always in the sky; Or happy or painful, life is always passing; Hope or disappointment, hope is always in front of us; To see or not to see, friends are always in my heart.

28. Life is full of challenges. No matter how hard it is, you should smile. Life is full of storms. No matter how tired you are, you should stick to it. If things are not going well in the world, you should always look on the bright side. In the face of difficulties, you should be confident, and victory is always ahead.