Celebrity Quotations on Dreams (80 selected sentences)
Middle aged messenger
2023-03-31 00:59:19

1. One millionth error is a thousand miles away—— Hanshu

2. When a man is young, nothing can bring him down—— O'Neill

3. Aspiration is the door of career, and work is the journey to enter the house—— Pasteur

4. The surface is a clear lie, but behind it is an obscure truth—— Milan Kundera

5. Action is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge is the accomplishment of action—— educational theorist and reformer

6. A person has to go through difficulties first, and then step into the good times before he feels comfortable and useful—— Edison

7. Life is short. If you waste your time, it will be too long—— Shakespeare

8. To succeed in this world, we must persevere in the end: we cannot let go until we die—— Voltaire

9. The success of an enterprise depends on the team, not on individuals—— Robert Kelly

10. The winner of selfishness can destroy the public—— Lin Bu

11. The current goal is not to discover who we are, but to reject who we are—— Michel Foucault

12. Life is like climbing a mountain, but looking for a way out is a process of learning. In this process, we should learn to be calm and stable, and learn how to find life from confusion—— Xi Murong

13. It is not enough to move towards a goal to be reached at last every step. Each step should be a goal, and each step has its own value—— Goethe

14. It is the source of happiness to determine personal ambition and choose a good major—— Suhomlinski

15. Labor is respected. Serving the society is a highly appreciated moral ideal—— Dewey

16. He who is benevolent will stand up to others if he wants to stand up to them, and will reach them if he wants to reach them—— Confucius

17. Meihe is really a twin brother. Their growth needs leisure and self-control. But the greed for profit has no leisure and no end—— Tagore

18. As soon as the half acre pond is opened, the sky, clouds and shadows wander together—— Zhu Xi

19. While giving people experience, time must also give them more ruthless vicissitudes—— Xue Xiaochan

20. Optimism is the beacon of hope. It guides you from the dangerous canyon to the smooth road, gives you new life and new hope, and supports your ideal forever—— Darwin

21. Truth is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values—— Dreiser

22. When handling affairs, you should have your own opinions, but not your own prejudices. Those who have opinions are not the ones who pass away from the world in my knowledge—— Yuan Mei

23. The outline of any culture may be a different picture in the eyes of different people—— Jacob Buckhart

24. Life lies in contradiction and movement. Once the contradiction is eliminated and the movement stops, life will end—— Goethe

25. Although everyone wants a lot, what they need is very little. Because life is short, people's destiny is limited—— Goethe

26. Everything in youth is a test—— Stevenson

27. The ideal book is the key to wisdom—— Tolstoy