Celebrities' quotes about youth
regard with equanimity
2023-07-28 18:08:02
Famous sentence

1. Young people are the king of life, the spring of life, and the beauty of life—— Li Dazhao

2. Young people can first turn China into a vocal China: speak boldly, carry out bravely, forget all interests, push the ancients away and publish their true words—— Lu Xun

3. I am old without white hair! Do you know that youth is no longer there? A weak young man is not a child. How can he be a husband if he cannot learn to become famous—— Yu Liangbi

4. Any new thing is just a seedling at the beginning, and all new things are valuable because there is infinite vitality growing in this new seedling, growing into giants, growing into power—— Zhou Enlai

5. The dictionary of youth is free of the word "difficulty", the spoken language of youth is free of the word "obstacle"; Only know how to leap forward, how to fly, how to know their own spirit of freedom, how to think strangely, how to have sharp intuition, how to live lively, so as to create environment and conquer history—— Li Dazhao

6. Youth is in you. You have the most precious thing in life—— Dreiser

7. You should be a brave young man. Don't make a fuss about trivial things. You know, the weak are hard to live in this world—— Pentopidan

8. Youth is our future and our hope—— Stalin

9. The creation of all extraordinary things and the holy spirit of relaxation are always linked with youth and creativity—— Goethe

10. Young people should first set their ambitions; Secondly, we should measure our strength and resolve to be a useful talent for the people of our country; Therefore, we should choose a goal to study and practice hard—— Wu Yuzhang

11. Youth is the pillar of the revolution. Youth is the defender of the fruits of revolution and the force that accelerates history to a better world—— Soong Ching ling

12. Is China a sleeping lion? When I heard it, I was in full bloom; What is the symptom of China? When I heard it, I got up quickly. Those who build youth are the soul of the country, and those who "morning bell" are friends of youth. Young people should strive to be self respecting for their country—— Li Dazhao

13. Young people need to undergo various exercises. This is the truth of the saying that a lot of tempering makes steel and grows up in the storm. It is an illusion of no progress and no future to hope to become famous easily without difficulties—— Guo Moruo

14. Don't idle away in the daytime. Youth will never come again—— Forest width

15. I hope that Chinese youth can get rid of air conditioning and just go up. They don't have to listen to the words of those who abandon themselves. Some heat, some light. Like a firefly, it can glow in the dark without waiting for the torch—— Lu Xun

16. A man's success depends on his ambition in his youth—— Xie Juezai

17. Youth is treasure, youth is gold; Treasures need to be excavated and gold needs to be smelted—— Tibetans

18. The world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis, it is yours. You young people are full of vigor and vitality. You are in prosperity like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. Hope rests on you—— Mao Zedong

19. The main task of young people is to learn—— Zhu De