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Laugh at life
2023-02-17 22:09:14
Complete sentences

1. Casual is different from no temper. I never said I was kind.

2. Can hold you up to heaven, can also personally throw you to hell.

3. I keep a distance with you gradually until we are no longer related.

4. I still love you; What I can't hide is that I still miss you.

5. You are my last bus. What can I do if I can't wait for you in my life.

6. Opportunity is like a hair on a bald man's head. If you catch it, you will catch it. If you can't catch it, you will lose it.

7. The biggest weakness of human nature is not greed, not cowardice, but all want to be perfect.

8. As long as I mention his name, I feel like I have a thorn in my heart, but I have to hide it with a smile.

9. People really want to win. Once the achievements are made, the whole world will be happy and celebrate together.

10. From now on, let's spare no effort. The worst result is that the great achievement is late.

11. Once in a while, be a gentle person, never say a word, never fight, never rush, never slow down, and take it lightly.

12. Tai Chi gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to four images, the four images give birth to the Eight Diagrams, and the Eight Diagrams give birth to all things -- everything is not as good as you.

13. One day, you will meet that person and accompany you to watch every sunrise until the end of your life.

14. I loved you yesterday, but I don't want to love you today; But I know that when I wake up tomorrow, my favorite person is still you.

15. If you are warmed, you will be very hot. If you are cooled, you will become ice. Please forgive me for my life.

16. The most painful feeling in the world is not lovelorn, but when I give my heart to you, you cheat me.

17. I am not a kind person, but I know that if you offend me, I will let you experience the seven hardships of life.

18. The past is zero. Love and hate are optional. Here's a glass of wine for you and go forward from now on. The past does not turn back, and the future does not settle.

19. No matter how painful you experience, you will gradually forget in the end. Because nothing can rival time.

20. The person who once tripped me, I let you never get up, and the person who once helped me, I let you never fall down.

21. I thought I would not cry when I cut onions with my eyes closed, but I still cried when I cut my hands.

22. Why is there no addiction in the world, called love addiction. Probably because there is no antidote to love you, there is no escape.

23. You don't need to worry about what you are afraid of, because it will come and leave on schedule.

24. You have your pride and I have my self-respect. I can reason with you with a smile or let you kneel to listen to me.

25. Don't confuse my personality and attitude. My personality comes from who I am, and my attitude depends on who you are.

26. All misunderstandings in the world come from misunderstanding, all contradictions come from not communicating, and all misses come from distrust.

27. The happiest thing is that two people love each other. The second happiness is that the person you love most can get happiness.

28. Who knows how difficult it is to be joking without being mean. People who are naturally kind are often not very interesting.

29. Every time I see news about you, I think that a person who used to be so kind to me is suddenly not mine.

30. No one is irreplaceable and nothing must be owned. Don't overestimate the beauty of love and the sadness of lovelorn.

31. Women should be either beautiful, hardworking or rich. If they are beautiful, hardworking and rich, they can pull a little.

32. Leave your tears to the person who loves you the most and your smile to the person who hurts you the most. You will eventually understand who is hypocritical and who really loves you.

33. If you are honest, everyone will bully you; If you are generous, make concessions everywhere; If you are honest, you will admit defeat; If you value love, all kinds of care!

34. In fact, you can be more willful. You can refuse what you don't want to do, and don't force what you can't do. Compromise will never bring happiness.

35. Don't torture yourself with the past memories. Many people come into your life just to teach you a lesson, and then turn around and leave.

36. In life, there will always be unexpected warmth and endless hope. All the surprises and good fortune are your accumulated personality and kindness.

37. I met you, liked you, and dared not tell you. Miss you, think of you, miss you, but this is my story, you never liked me.

38. He can't see you getting drunk, nor can he see you sobbing at night. Don't be silly. No one loves you. It's really worthless.

39. Hot and cold are the most tormenting. Over and over again, the most hurtful enthusiasm will spoil the loved ones. Hot and cold replies will push away the ones who love you most.

40. It hurts to give up a person. In some cases, it is for love that we hide quietly. What we can't avoid is the silent feelings.

41. I am very cheap and expensive. The cheap thing is that I am not with anyone for money. The expensive thing is that I don't like you. You can't beat me with any money.

42. Life without love is incomplete, and love without pain is not profound. Love enriches life, while pain sublimates love.

43. There are not many true feelings in this world. A woman's blush is better than a monologue. However, with rouge, we can't tell the true feelings from the false ones.

44. You will know that if you have no ability, you deserve to swallow your pride. Only when you are strong can you be qualified to throw a face at others.

45. Never give up until the last moment. It is not lucky to get good things in the end. Sometimes, you must work hard in front of you to meet others by chance.

46. Compared with regretting and wanting to cherish after the loss, what really hurts you is that you cherish very much, but have to watch yourself lose, and there is nothing you can do.

47. If you don't like it, change it. If you can't change it, adapt to it. If you can't adapt, you have to avoid. If you can't even avoid, you have to let go.

48. Those promises that we believed in finally turned into a slap in the face and slapped on our face. You will always be my weakness, but you will never be my armor.

49. Happy yearning, waiting and expectation, watching the care of a lifetime, hiding a truth, hiding a mistake, gentle compassion, lonely heart of a lifetime, dreams cold, heart scattered, scenery changed.

50. I was misunderstood before. I wanted to grab the collar of the other person and explain for three days and three nights. Now, if you can't understand me, we will go separately. Although I'm thirsty, I don't drink all water.

51. If the people I care about are hot and cold to me, and I feel worried about gain and loss, then I will choose to leave without saying goodbye, because I don't have so much patience to taste the feeling of being worried about gain and loss.

52. In any case, it is always unforgivable for a person to fall for an excuse. The more no one loves him, the more he should love himself. You are still young. Don't try to survive. There are thousands of possibilities in the next life.

53. I have seen a lot of things through the years. There is nothing you can't do but lose. Those who are willing to stay will get along well, and those who want to leave will wave their hands and say sorry.

54. In this world, it's not easy to meet a person we really like, and it's not easy to be liked by a person. We should all learn to cherish, cherish the people we love, and cherish the people who love us.

55. The reason why we are tired of knowing is that we often wander between persistence and giving up. The reason why we are worried is that we have a good memory. What we should remember and what we should not remember will remain in our memory.

56. People wander in the Jianghu. If they always yield and tolerate, their souls will be eroded, and the road will be more narrow and difficult. Because you have given others a habit and yourself a habit.

57. If one wants to live a happy and happy life, one must remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten, change what can be changed, and accept what cannot be changed. This is not only a mind but also a realm.

58. I'm not sure how much time I can spend to forget you, nor can I guarantee that I can really forget you. I can only be like this now, not noisy, not sad or not happy, and quietly with you, no more intersection.

59. Life is really short. We are approaching the end every moment. We can't stop. Facing the fleeting, the only thing we can really do is love life and everyone around us.

60. I have seen a lot of things. There is nothing you have to lose. Those who are willing to stay, get along well and trust each other; If you want to go away, wave your hand and say sorry.

61. There will always be times like this in your life when your heart is in turmoil, but in the eyes of others, you are just a little more silent than usual, and no one will be surprised. This kind of war is doomed to be single handed.

62. Be a person who likes and hates everything, gains and losses are at will, does not think about the past, and is not afraid of the future. There is only one heart and one body. Life is not long. Take more care. No matter how good yesterday is, it is already the past. No matter how difficult tomorrow is, it must continue!

63. I have to admit that there was a moment when I thought we could be together for a lifetime. I gave up all my pride and accommodated everything to you, but I still couldn't come to the end, just because we didn't live in a lifetime together.

64. Delete the words in lines, and finally type "Hmm" and send it to you. It doesn't matter. Not all emotions should be told to you. For example, my unhappiness, for example, I miss you so much; Don't be naive, in this world, everything you want will not come to you out of nowhere.

65. Life is like this, with the gentleness of the mother, the ferocity of the stepmother, the help of friends, and the plot of the enemy. What you have to do is to be moved and cruel, see through the plot, turn all the bad things into good things, smile more, let go more, forget more, and life will be less sad.

66. People who don't keep their word and have no faith are incompetent. When they are poor, they will speak, when they are rich, they will hide, understand interests, and don't understand human feelings. If they make friends, they will harm themselves. If you don't keep your word, you will not have a future or become a great talent. You must not challenge others to keep their word without understanding.

67. Throw away the things you don't like, and the people you dislike will turn black. When you are unhappy, you will sleep with your head covered. If you are tired of seeing the photos, you will delete them. When you meet the people you like, you will confess. When you are hungry, you will eat the food you like. Hmm, tidy up your mood. After that, don't pour bitter water indiscriminately, don't get drunk, and don't cry for the people who are not worth it.

68. Who will caress your hand through waving hair on a sunny spring afternoon. Who in countless dark nights, take away the wine to drink alone, and burn the strong temperature into his chest. Who has crushed season after season of green fields into damp decay in the soil. Who holds the face of flowers, so that the United States of the years dejected.