2022 Sun Term Friends Circle Copywriting Heavy Snow Term Friends Circle Copywriting (130 selected sentences)
Booming Flowers and a Full Moon
2023-07-05 20:44:02
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1. Fable: The little white dragon who has violated the rule of heaven can only visit his mother on June 6. Seeing his mother's eagerness for filial piety, he works hard day and night! Moral: Good kids should learn from Little White Dragon. Xiaoshu should remember to go home and have a look!

2. The warm tip of the bank: the 50 million snowflakes you stored in our bank have expired, please come to handle the relevant procedures as soon as possible, and bring the icy home for a cool summer! Happy summer!

3. In the summer season, the weather is as changeable as a child's face. The first half of the day is sunny, and the second half is rainy. During the dog days, send your blessings in time. Don't forget to take your umbrella when you go out. You must hide in the rainstorm and take precautions in advance. It's safe in the summer.

4. When the summer comes, the sky seems to be baking, the body is weak, and the heart is also dry. Drink more water, eat less meat, care about the outside world, like to put it first, anger and exclude the outside world, do not hurt the liver, and work and rest are healthy. Summer greetings are sweet!

5. When the light summer comes and the day is dry, please send a short message to report. The mentality is stable and not anxious, happy and laughing every day. Enjoy the refreshing peach, and drink freely without troubles. Lepin Iced Coke Treasure can keep you happy. May your summer be happy and carefree, and your mood will disappear.

6. When the summer comes, I wish you happiness as your companion, happy mood, full confidence, smooth work, full of money, sweet love and happy every day. I wish you happiness every day and happiness always accompany you.

7. The summer wind blows away the worry of high temperature, the summer rain dampens the anxiety of summer, the fragrant and bright smile of summer flowers, and the summer night brings endless romance. Summer is coming, I wish my blessing to accompany you, and I wish you happiness!

8. Light summer heat, cool and relieve summer heat, mung bean sour plum; Morning and evening tonic, jujube eggs; Toward noon, sesame oil cools skin; The summer vacation gives you a cool and refreshing life, and I hope you can enjoy every day!

9. In the summer, I wish you a harmonious family, a happy life, sweet honey, a smooth love, a rising career, a lot of money, good health, energetic, everything goes well, and a happy life.

10. When the summer festival comes, I will give you an umbrella. Care is the handle, missing is the face, and true feelings are the umbrella bags. I will give them to you, so that they can block the summer sun for you, and bring you cool, comfortable, and happy summer.

11. Summer is not afraid of bitterness, balsam pear and almond can relieve summer heat, and it is not afraid of acid. Dark plum and mango can collect sweat. Drinking more soup and porridge, or sweet or salty, can relieve summer heat. Don't eat too much food. Overweight gastrointestinal burden will cause pain. Happy after the summer heat, healthy in the summer.

12. Sunstroke, heatstroke, beware of heatstroke; It's hot, it's hot, it's hot every day; Rain, rain, expect rain in summer; Cool, cool, cool and cool. SMS remind you: hot weather heatstroke prevention! Blessing to you: cool after rain!

13. When the summer comes, you will feel happy and happy without worry; The air is fresh, the sun shines, everything is smooth and the smile is pretty; Regular exercise, good appetite, light and healthy diet; SMS send, bless, happy life every minute. I wish you a happy summer!

14. The lotus fragrance fills the pond and fragrance your heart, the cool breeze gently touches your annoyance, the red flowers and green trees brighten your sight, and the fruits and melons moisten your face. May you look beautiful, smile, have no worries, and be happy in the summer.

15. Quot; When the light summer festival comes, the continuous high temperature will not subside, and the flowers and plants will wither due to drought. People will suffer from the heat. Pay attention to the body, do not work hard, drink more boiled water during the day, and go to sleep at night. Wish you a safe summer. "

16. When the light summer comes, we should pay attention to the following three hot days: keep away from the sun outdoors and exercise more in the morning and evening; Drink plenty of hot water in summer, do not damage the spleen and stomach; Get enough sleep and feel good, and wash and dry more clothes.

17. Winter comes and goes, autumn comes and winter hides, all things in the world, the law is wandering. The summer solar term is coming in a hurry. In the changing days, there is a kind of missing that has not been forgotten; The change of seasons is the law of heaven and earth, and the blessing of friends is the memory of life.

18. The dew is bright, the breeze is cool, the rain is long, the flowers are fragrant, the Zen is melodious, the messages are cheerful, and the blessings are refreshing. May your good luck and happiness flow forever in the summer.

19. Bursts of thunder carry my deep friendship, soft warm wind blows my sincere greetings, and continuous summer rain brings my thick blessing. When the light summer comes, I hope you will be happy and happy forever.

20. In the hot summer heat, pay attention to health care: mung bean porridge, Sydney tea, heat clearing and fatigue relieving, tasting Sydney, eating watermelon, thirst quenching, more ventilation, more walking, comfortable circulation, sugar and salt water, vegetable juice, nutrition after sweating, wish you a happy summer heat.

21. The summer solstice has just passed, and the light heat is coming! The changeable weather is really unpredictable; It is very necessary to take an umbrella when going out. It is not only sun proof but also rain proof; Get up early and exercise well, and be happy every day without worry; Although the weather is tough, please don't forget to smile!

22. When the summer comes, you will feel happy and happy without worry; The air is fresh, the sun shines, everything is smooth and the smile is pretty; Regular exercise, good appetite, light and healthy diet; SMS send, bless, happy life every minute. Wish you a happy summer!

23. The summer will stop and enjoy the happy scenery; Take a rest in the summer and enjoy the leisure time; Be lazy in the summer and enjoy the sunshine; Xiaoshu is about to laugh and empty the meaningless impetuosity. Wish you a good summer, no worries!

24. Wish you a little trouble, and you will be most happy in the summer; The heat is small, and you are the coolest in the summer; Disappointed little, "summer" you most happy; Small error, "summer" you are the luckiest. Happy summer!

25. Birds, birds, chirping. Sunstroke, sunstroke, coming. Breeze, breeze, go worry. Blessing, bless as soon as possible. SMS, SMS, just fine. Xiaoshu, Xiaoshu, smile when you see the message!

26. When the summer comes, we are busy with the sound of SMS blessing. The moonlight of the lotus pond is fragrant, and the beautiful scenery is fragrant. The sea water cools and waves, while the breeze cools. The cicadas chirp and the frogs chirp happily, and the thunder booms happily. Wish you a happy summer.

27. On the seventh summer day of July, don't forget the blessing of the light summer. The message connects you and me, sincerely bless you. It's hot and cool. Don't be angry when the thunderstorm comes. The blessing is always the most powerful.

28. Grab a handful of cool streams, pick a piece of green lotus leaves, carry a refreshing mountain breeze, hold the drizzle of rain and dew, touch my sincere blessing, and gently come to you, let it accompany you to cool down quickly through the summer, and enjoy the summer in a comfortable way.

29. It's July 7 again. My friends send you good fortune. They are fresh and worried. When I go out, I see the good news. My salary can not be doubled. "Summer" is easy and never hard. My career is progressing smoothly, and I am happy every day. I wish you a happy summer. Happiness is incomparable.

30. How hot is the summer heat season? As the saying goes, "The light heat is not hot, but the heavy heat is in the dog's day", "The light heat is connected with the heavy heat, and the heat is nowhere to hide". Today's heavy heat, "extreme heat" is coming, so please pay attention to heatstroke prevention

31. It's sunny in the summer, and the sweat soaked the workers. They earn money hard and are happy at home. The wife and children put the bath water, set the room temperature, and wait for you to eat together. The sweet life is getting closer and closer.

32. Hot summer; Take some time to find some leisure; Take a short run and exercise; Drink a cup of tea to moisten your heart; Take a nap to replenish your sleep. When summer comes, pay attention to heatstroke prevention. I wish you a happy summer.

33. Drug name; Cool and refreshing. Efficacy: relieve heat and heat, nourish and nourish the face. Usage: Open the bottle to send out a cool and happy smell. Once opened, use it. Shelf life: forever. Welcome to use Xiaoshu "Happy Refresher", happy and happy forever!