Jane Eyre's 200 words after reading
The most familiar stranger
2023-11-05 00:06:22

The human brain needs an endless supply of nutrients, which come from books. It's natural to read some famous books during the summer vacation. These days, I read Jane Eyre, one of the top ten famous books in the world.

This book tells the story of a girl who grew up tenaciously in a difficult living environment and finally transformed into an excellent woman with personality charm. The most attractive part of this story is the setting of the heroine, Jane Eyre, whose character is sometimes complex to be difficult to understand, and sometimes simple to see through at a glance. She treated people differently. When she was sent to a school like a prison camp, she ate too little food to swallow. Unfortunately, the friend she met here will die of disease. Jane Eyre sneaks to her bed and accompanies her until she dies. She grew up little by little in Zhui, and finally found the person who loved her most.

In the process of growing up, you may be made difficult, hated, frustrated and trampled all over, but as long as you are strong, you will always have a happy and happy ending.