Quotes and classic lines of Qi Tongwei in the name of the people
Where do we not meet in life
2023-06-05 02:06:50
Classic lines

1. I want the world to bow before me.

2. That kneeling can be said to have changed my life trajectory.

3. I'm desperate to get back my lost dignity.

4. God gave me an angel, but I lost it.

5. People who can only rely on themselves, personality is a luxury for us, and we really can't afford to play.

6. Heroes can't beat power. What are heroes in front of power? They are just tools.

7. It is power, not knowledge, that has changed my fate. Even if it takes my own life, I will win the day.

8. In this world, no one can bully you. You are my woman. I, Qi Tongwei, will be responsible for you.

9. We are in a golden opportunity. We can change our own destiny through our own efforts, and change the fate of the whole family. This opportunity will never come again. If our generation does not pay the price, then our next generation will pay the price. In order to seize this opportunity to change my destiny, I can do anything.