Classic Quotes of Jimmy Cartoon
The wine is too sweet, you are too bitter
2023-05-08 10:28:36

1. The world of clowns is always divided into two parts. Half sunshine, half shadow, half happiness, half desolation. I really want to know what the mysterious dividing line is?

2. If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon.

3. After watching a movie that I can't understand, I looked around and found that others were focused and intoxicated. Then I suddenly understood what loneliness is.

4. In life, people constantly leave or enter. So, what we see, what we cannot see; Remember, forget. In life, there are gains and losses. So, the invisible, see; Forgotten, remember. However, does the invisible mean that it does not exist? Remember, will it never disappear

5. Every time, I stood in a position that I could not control. It's too late to regret.

6. She has always insisted on preferring the best to the worst, believing that the best is worth waiting patiently. But the red apple that fell last is usually sour, and the soul stirring great love is usually not waiting.

7. Life is like peeling an onion, one of which will make people cry.

8. Remember, will you never forget that I guard the bright fairy tale like a bubble. Happiness has just begun, but sadness has already lurked.

9. On the afternoon of the third semester, the wind was blowing and I fell asleep. White curtains, gently floating up. The rabbit came and whistled outside the window to call me. Open the door, the forest is quiet and the sun is gentle. I haven't wandered in the forest for a long time.

10. That night, the stars were all over the sky. I'm sure you didn't call me. Why didn't you call me? I can hear it no matter how far away.

11. You smell my breath, I hear your cry. You know I'm crying, I love your anxiety. We are so close and so far away. But don't be afraid! Ap Jie Lop! Our hearts are about to open a beautiful and holy flower.

12. I watched a movie that I didn't understand. Looking around and finding others focused and intoxicated, I suddenly understand what loneliness is.

13. When I miss you, will you just miss me.

14. I thought that if I had wings, I would become a bird. I thought that after I became a bird, I could have freedom. Now I have the wings I hope for, but I can only fly in a small space and lose freedom. I still can't understand whether I want wings, fly, or freedom or just a feeling of pursuing flight.

15. I tried hard to find hope for fear that luck would be around, but I would miss it carelessly.

16. The same eyes have different views. The same ear has different ways of listening. The same mouth has different sayings. The same heart has different ideas. Is it because of this that the same life has different sorrow.

17. Some people say that waiting for romance is also a long time. In several nights about waiting, maybe teenagers will also become white headed. I often tell myself that although at the lowest position, I can't see the gorgeous flowers when they bloom, but I can't miss the romance when the petals fall in the wind``

18. All the sadness will leave a trace of joy. All regrets will leave a perfect corner. I am in the frozen deep sea, looking for the gap of hope. But when I woke up at midnight, I suddenly saw the beautiful moonlight.

19. On the night when the moonlight was cold, I climbed up the tall tree and the forest was silent. I really wanted to sit on the tree and wait until the green fruit turned red.

20. Why can fish face the world with only one expression? Why can't I face the world with only one expression?

21. Tired life. Everyone says that being a man is tiring, and I feel the same way. Wear wig, mask, glasses and smile. Put on your underwear, put on your coat, put on your underwear, put on your pants, tie your belt, put on your socks, put on your shoes, and tie your shoelaces. It's the same every day until you go to heaven.

22. It is getting dark, and the last sunset is about to disappear. In that game, we were completely defeated, and we all left in a dejected silence. Let's make a gesture of victory! After many years, who will remember that frustrating game? I can only see our bright smile in the photo.

23. The maze like city makes people get used to seeing the same scenery, taking the same route to the same destination; Habits make people's lives unchanged. Habits make people feel a sense of security, but also a sense of loneliness. And you never know what your habits will make you miss.

24. I met the cat diving, but I didn't meet you. I met a dog climbing, but I didn't meet you. I met snow in summer, but I didn't meet you. I met a typhoon in winter, but I didn't meet you. Even the pigs I met would tie the net, but I didn't meet you. I met all the extraordinary, but not the ordinary you.

25. I plant myself in a flower pot and pretend to be a flower. The city lane is dark, the sun is scarce all day long, the rain is insufficient, and the air is turbid. Only at three o'clock in the middle of the night can I catch a glimpse of the moon gliding silently across the sky. I am a flower that does not bloom, and I have learned to wither before I learned to bloom.

26. They were convinced that it was the sudden enthusiasm that brought them together. Such certainty is beautiful, but uncertainty is more beautiful. The deepest night is about to pass. Look, the moon is coming out.

27. I can't hear the sound of the rainbow, I can't hear the sound of the sun setting. I can't hear the surprise of blooming flowers and snowing snow. I can't hear the danger of wind blowing and grass moving. I can't hear the howling of wolves, the shooting of hunters, and the crying of angels. I only heard loneliness, running back and forth in the grass!

28. I always feel slightly frightened when I am happy. When laughing heartily, I shed moved tears. I can't believe in simple happiness. The bullying of life is both calm and uncomfortable

29. I met a cat diving, but I didn't meet you. I met a dog climbing, but I didn't meet you. I met snow in summer, but I didn't meet you. I met a typhoon in winter, but I didn't meet you. I learned to net when I met pigs, but I didn't meet you. I met all the extraordinary, but I never met the ordinary you.

30. A full and beautiful balloon may have three different destinies floating to the sky and then disappear; The sudden explosion is irreversible; Quiet existence, then slowly slowly atrophy; The same is true for a full and beautiful life

31. A letter in a bottle thrown into the sea is always lost. Was it eaten by whales? Or drift to another uninhabited island? Who would believe this fate of drifting with the tide except for young and romantic children? Although I am afraid of having nightmares, I can only see the beautiful and peaceful world in my dreams.

32. We missed Noah's Ark, missed the Titanic, missed all the dangers and dangers, and we will continue to miss (my porridge drops).