Humorous friends who are always short of sleep
The temperature of the moon
2023-06-21 10:19:19
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Why do I always sleep less recently? I'm too sleepy, too sleepy, so sleepy. I feel like sleeping in the morning.

2. I have always been sleepy for the last week. I feel that I can't sleep enough every day and I am sleepy in class. I almost sleep or can't wake up when there is no class. I am sleepy even if I stay up late. What's the matter.

3. I woke up naturally at half past eight. Now I'm sleepy again. Help me. Why do I always sleep less on weekends.

4. I feel sleepy recently. I can't stay up late and can't stay up. Maybe I'm old.

5. The day before the Monday when I went to work, I felt so miserable that I was always sleepy.

6. Since the collapse of the spirit, I have always been unable to sleep enough and wake up every day, as if I had entered a dormant state.

7. I found a rule that when I was sleepy to a certain extent or didn't sleep enough, I would always sneeze continuously. Rhinitis patients are too painful.

8. What's wrong with me recently? I always feel that I can't sleep enough and I have to go jogging when the weather is better.

9. I haven't slept enough recently, but staying up late is what I must insist on! Life endure! Dead support!

10. I'm too sleepy. I always can't sleep enough. I ordered dinner and went back to sleep. After watching Li's birthday, I couldn't understand why I was alive.

11. I'm always sleepy every day. I can't sleep enough. When can I have a good sleep? I don't want to do anything, just like when I was a child.

12. I'm so tired and I have a lot of things to do. Maybe I can't sleep enough after I've confirmed it for many times.

13. Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy. I ordered several alarm clocks and finally woke myself up for class. Why do I always have insufficient sleep.

14. The time you can sleep is always so short. Seven hours of sleep is not enough.

15. I never get enough sleep in the morning on weekdays, and I wake up very early on weekends.

16. I am always too tired to sleep enough on business trips. I will finally have a rest tomorrow.

17. Why do you always wake up early in the rest day? Why don't you get enough sleep on weekdays.

18. Recently, I always feel that I haven't slept enough. I began to doze off at noon. In order to refresh myself, I ate a bag of potato chips and several plum candies. I have gone farther and farther on the road of sugar resistance

19. When I am with you, I feel that the whole world is tender and time is not enough.

20. Good morning. It's very difficult to get up today. As a result, I'm still sleepy when I brush my teeth and wash my face. Why do I always feel I don't have enough sleep?

21. The next step is to wait for a day off after nine consecutive days of work. Why am I so sleepy when I am young.

22. I didn't want to sleep a few days ago. Today, I accidentally didn't sleep enough and knocked over the water.

23. I can't sleep enough because I have no time, but when I have time to sleep, I can't sleep.

24. I haven't had enough sleep recently. I came back today and took a pill to sleep. It's really important to improve my efficiency at night!