Extract of Bing Xin's Good Words and Sentences
I must be taller than the sky
2023-02-26 13:07:12
Complete sentences

1. Vast, crystal clear, pink and willow green

2. Red fruits all over the tree are neat and fleeting

3. It's dark, damp and hurried

4. The wind is swift, the waves are high, the spring flowers are bright, red and green

5. Silence, full of victory songs.

6. If the world doesn't abandon you, why do you abandon the world?

7. Departure is a hazy month, and death is a gaunt flower.

8. A little soul, how can you comfort the painful recruiters in the rain?

9. We are all babies of nature, lying in the cradle of the universe.

10. Boring words, thrown in the furnace, also turned into boring flames.

11. May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.

12. I've got all the love I deserve, and I've loved all the people I deserve.

13. People are on the porch, books are on your knees. In the breeze, I know spring is coming.

14. Calm heart can build a deeper and micro world in any environment.

15. Ordinary people's criticisms and judgments are like a group of blind people speculating about the moonlight outside the clouds.

16. Young man! Draw your present picture carefully for the sake of later memories.

17. It is not the rolling waves that create new land, but the fine sand under it.

18. The branches of happiness, in the hands of the god of destiny, are looking for people to entrust with integrity.

19. The sad new moon, shining on my bed, the thin and long white poplar trees carrying frost, mixed all over the window.

20. Only the lonely and angry people are awake! Listen to the sound of fortune telling gongs, breaking the fate of the world.

21. Driving by the water, you can see the shining golden light of the setting sun on the water. The spring clothes are too thin when the evening wind blows.

22. Time is a poem, a poem with rich philosophy. Time is a camel, carrying the dreams of countless people.

23. Since I have absolutely known life, I would like to bow my head and enjoy it. I would like to taste all the interesting things in life, and I would like to taste all the interesting things in life!

24. Sometimes we can see the big river and sail a little. In the morning, we can see the clear and beautiful scenery. I have always liked the scenery in the north, so I have to fall in love with the elegance and gentleness of Jiangnan.

25. Walk on both sides of life, sow and blossom at any time. Let passers-by who wear branches and brush leaves feel no pain when stepping on thorns. They can shed tears, but they are not sad.

26. The countless lovelorn farewells, on the farthest bank of the river, just holding the finally broken note, put this huge thing, carrying the heaviest sorrow of separation, drifting west!

27. Mother, if you see a small white boat in your dream, don't be surprised that he falls into a dream for no reason. This is your beloved daughter with tears in her eyes. Please ask her to carry her love and sorrow back.

28. Happiness is a tiny cloud, while pain is a dark cloud pressing the city. These different clouds overlap in the horizon of your life. When the sunset is infinitely good, it will create a beautiful sunset for you.

29. The river stretches into the ridges of the fields, several waterwheels are far away, and clusters of Maoting farmhouses are surrounded by trees and water, forming a village of their own. The water ripples gently, and the branches are low. When several peasant women walked by carrying a load and a hoe, I didn't know whether it was poetry or painting!

30. Our life is too monotonous. We only sleep with the bell ringing every day. Life in the daytime is not as lively as in the dream. If the pine trees remain green, the surrounding mountain scenery will not change. I suddenly hated why pine and cypress wanted holly, otherwise there would be a red, white, green and yellow decoration.