After Reading Nils' Travels by Goose
Wind follows heart
2023-10-30 02:42:50
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

After reading Nils' Travels by Goose, I saw Morton's perseverance, felt Aka's sense of responsibility for his companions, and was more moved by Nils' courage to move forward in the face of difficulties.
When Nils bravely jumped onto the goose's back, he had the chance to travel with the geese; One night, the geese fell asleep. A fox approached the geese. When Nils saw the fox bite the geese by the neck, he bravely saved the geese from the fox's mouth, regardless of the danger and the size of his opponent. He stood guard for the geese several times on cold nights and fought with the enemy. It was Niels' bravery that freed the geese from danger. If Nils had not faced the enemy bravely, would the geese have survived every night?
Speaking of bravery, I can't help thinking of Wang Erxiao. Wang Erxiao lived in the anti Japanese period, and his village was often patronized by Japanese devils. Once herding cattle, Wang Erxiao met the Japanese devil and asked him to lead the way. In order to protect the villagers who had been transferred to hiding, he was neither humble nor arrogant. He wisely and bravely led the Japanese devils into the ambush circle of the Eighth Route Army. Can villagers move safely without Wang Xiaoer's bravery?
I remember that we held a mobilization meeting before we left that research activity. When the microphone came for me to speak, I didn't dare to answer it for fear of speaking poorly. But when I heard my classmates applauding for me, I bravely picked up the microphone. When I finished, there was another round of warm applause. If I had no courage, I would not have won applause, nor would I have overcome timidity.
Courage has earned Nils the trust of the geese, Wang Erxiao has protected the villagers, and I have won the applause of my classmates... Let's go forward bravely!