73 educational proverbs
Mature and steady
2023-02-17 18:52:17
English Proverbs

1. Don't hurt the general by personal benefits.

2. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

3. To avoid resentment, always be gentle.

4. Do not camp in luxurious houses or seek fertile land.

5. Sitting has sitting posture, standing has standing posture.

6. Minor mistakes cannot be corrected, and major ones cannot be corrected.

7. If the difference is a millionth, the fallacy is a thousand li.

8. Virtue is a teacher, integrity is a model.

9. Persist in Apricot Altar and be willing to contribute.

10. Don't forget when you are grateful.

11. The noblest revenge is tolerance.

12. Attention is the door of wisdom.

13. It is better to teach early than to refuse labor.

14. It is never too late to mend a lost sheep.

15. One should devote his life to the success of an art.

16. If you don't eat, you are hungry; if you don't read, you are stupid.

17. Not afraid of shallow knowledge, but afraid of short ambition.

18. Nothing is difficult if you are willing to climb.

19. People should not be jealous when they are happy.

20. Learn to be a man first, and then learn knowledge.

21. Help people in a timely manner, and help people with heart.

22. Tufu can be used as a city wall, and accumulated virtue is a thick land.

23. Diligence in learning and frugality in wealth.

24. Better teach the body to suffer than the face to suffer.

25. Promote scalper spirit and do ordinary work.

26. The wood bend is not easy to burn, and the elderly are hard to wait on.

27. Stick heads produce filial piety, while chopsticks produce disobedience.

28. Without good conduct, it is difficult to have good popularity.

29. It is easy to go from thrift to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to thrift.

30. White wine and red noodles, golden black heart.

31. The poor are not poor in ambition, and poor in reason.

32. It is difficult to be poor without resentment, and easy to be rich without arrogance.

33. Parents' love for their children is far-reaching.

34. Food nourishes the body, and books enrich wisdom.

35. If you don't respect students, you don't respect yourself.

36. Do not covet unexpected wealth, and do not drink too much wine.

37. A gentleman is like water, and a villain is like li.

38. Time is not as good as place, and place is not as good as people.

39. Cosmetic surgery still needs to look in the mirror, and self-discipline should also be three provinces.

40. Know what you know, and know what you don't know.

41. Cultivate in the green grassland, and have no regrets in this life.

42. No one is wrong, and it can be changed after passing.

43. Courtesy is close to ceremony and far from humiliation. Courtesy means no humiliation.

44. One mouth, two skins. It's all you who say good or bad.

45. There is a golden house in the book, and there are ten thousand loads of grain in the book.

46. Bow down and be willing to be a willing ox, and wave your hooves and be brave to be a steed.

47. A gentleman cannot eat enough eggs.

48. Luxury is messy and thrifty, and safety is in sight.

49. Do not be harmful or defensive.

50. My family is in harmony. Although it is not easy to have dinner, I still have more fun.

51. Don't laugh at the anemone. How long can the flowers bloom.

52. Always think about the first day one day, and don't wait to think about it all the time.

53. A lucky name has no good omen. Rich in troubled times is the curse.

54. A successful family is like a treasure, a spendthrift, and money is like grass.

55. The flowers of mercy on hand are like brocade, and the grass of mercy on foot is like grass!

56. Once you are faint and have a rest, you must check your own spot when you close the door.

57. Qiongzhou's civilization has yielded fruitful results, and the reclamation area has opened new flowers in harmony.

58. You can be diligent and respectful, although fools also have a taste of wisdom.

59. It is not that we cannot see justice, but we are afraid that we will see justice without courage.

60. I try to think all day long. It's better to learn in a moment.

61. It is advocated to be diligent and thrifty in household management, which is glorious in economy and shameful in waste.

62. Life can't open brilliant flowers from lies.

63. Moral things are realized by deeds, not by words.

64. The word "family heiress" means reading and farming, and the word "family prosperity" means frugality and diligence.

65. In the first 30 years, we should respect the father and the son, and in the next 30 years, we should respect the son and the father.

66. True virtue is like a river, the deeper the soundless.

67. The true is the most sincere. If not, it cannot be moved.

68. Don't bully widows by force; Don't kill animals and birds with greed.

69. The family has one heart, and the money buys gold; A double minded family has no money to buy a needle.

70. It is included with wedges, and rotten wood will not be broken; Perseverance, gold and stone can be carved.

71. People should not be jealous when they are happy; People should not be happy when they are in trouble.

72. When will all rivers return to the west when they reach the sea from the east. If the young do not work hard, the old will be sad.

73. When the descendants of the Fang family are named, the class generation should be in the middle, and the class generation should not be confused.