2023 Funny Signature
Flying flowers like dreams
2023-04-21 05:03:47
Complete set of signatures

1. The bitterness in the heart can only be replaced by tears

2. Every day I can't help thinking that you are who you are even when you close your eyes.

3. The future is bright, but there is no road.

4. In this turbid world, who can find true love?

5. Safeguarding what can't belong to harmony?

6. My mood is not much, the world is tangled with something.

7. I met you not because of coincidence, but because of predestination.

8. I compete with memory. See who forgets quickly.

9. I used to hate most, but now I love most.

10. Let's just do it. We will never meet again.

11. Each other missed their loved ones.

12. Sometimes I want to swear gracefully.

13. Everything is repressed in the heart, do I feel good?

14. Not to make excuses for your own mistakes, but the fact that it is

15. Do you know my mood of not sleeping well every day

16. Happiness is far away from me, no matter how high you stand, you can't touch it.

17. I'm lonely and quiet like a bad old man.

18. The flowers of the motherland, open one I step on one.

19. Now no matter how beautiful the memory is, it will not be easy to forget

20. It turns out that what I have been persistently and patiently pursuing does not exist.

21. On snowy days, we don't take umbrellas or hats, so we can go straight, whether it's worth it or not, we can go all the way to Baitou.

22. Everyone has a head, but not everyone has a brain.