Life maxims about perception
Calm down
2023-04-03 23:08:24
A complete set of maxims

1. There is no eternal night in the world, and there is no eternal winter in the world.

2. Those who waste their time will lose their youth and life will abandon them.

3. In life, it is not enough just to work hard, but also to choose the right method and use the right skills.

4. Life experience will experience a lesson of failure, but also through the joy of success.

5. Life is like this, so why not enjoy drinking and cheering. Drunk life and death, only wish to stay drunk forever.

6. In this world, only those who know how to laugh can cry. They feel sad because they are happy.

7. The easiest thing to say is the least down-to-earth. People who open their mouths and talk for a lifetime may only be hot for a while.

8. If a person lives completely according to his heart, he will either become a madman or become a legend.

9. There are many things in life that are meaningless. There are many things in life that are futile.

10. The reality is this bank, the ideal is the other bank, separated by the turbulent river in the middle, and the action is a bridge on the river.

11. The whole meaning of life lies in endless exploration of unknown things, and in constantly increasing more knowledge.

12. The people I met, the roads I traveled, the scenery I saw, whether good or bad, are all gifts of life.

13. We have seen too much noise, and it is this silence that is missing, just as we are always talking, but we forget to listen.

14. Some people repay others unknowingly, redeeming not only their own happiness, but also the happiness of strangers.

15. The meeting of people is like the water and the duckweed. When the water is stagnant, it loses its partner. The water does not read the Ping, and the Ping is sad. Every movement and every stillness makes a difference between pleasure and pain.

16. The true love must be bilateral. It doesn't matter how much I pay for it, but how much I compromise with myself.

17. Sometimes, the more comfortable a person's living conditions are and the more choices she has, the more absent-minded her happiness will be and the more delicate her pain will be.

18. The world is like a book. I don't want to be just one page, but I want to be like a book, with different content on each page.

19. In fact, no scenery can be seen through. In fact, no one can accompany anyone to the end. In fact, the reason for optimism is just to see the reason. There is no time for pessimism.

20. The person who can make you in the most comfortable state and listen to your truth without getting angry or hurt will be the one you cherish in your life.

21. No one can grow up casually, no one can be happy casually, no one can be beautiful casually, and no one can become himself casually.

22. Talk about the cruelty of love. People are lonely when feeling deep down. Pain makes people mature, strong people will understand the true meaning of love, while weak people only hate.

23. Human life is limited, but there is no limit to serving the people. I will devote my limited life to serving the people limitlessly.

24. People are afraid of being like dense peaches. They are sweet and greasy on the outside, but hard on the inside. Being a man is like a coconut. Its shell is strong enough to withstand blows, and its heart is clear enough to remain transparent.

25. Life is like a mountain. What matters is not its height, but its beauty; Life is like a rain. What matters is not its size, but its timeliness.

26. While the world turns successful people like Lin Rongzhen into losers in a short time, it also turns others into winners in a short time.

27. In one's life, the most important thing to live up to is oneself. However, many people can't distinguish between "live up to themselves" and "selfish"

28. Everything will pass. Since everything will pass, it is better to make yourself "live" better than to let people passing by "live" better.

29. Life is a circle. Some people never walk out of the circle drawn by fate after a lifetime. They just don't know that every point on the circle has a flying tangent!

30. No matter who you meet, you can laugh happily, but only you can understand whether you are really happy! Most of the mistakes are due to not persevering, not working hard, and not retaining.

31. A person who can shine must have burned himself inwards. The remote and mysterious scenery may not be particularly beautiful, but I just want to see where this force can finally take me.

32. The time given to us by life is not generous. There are often only a few narrow steps at the junction of two generations' destinies, and the days when we can walk side by side with our parents are really few.

33. If a person wants a perfect life, he must combine reality with fiction. It is like watching a live launch after watching 10000 live TV broadcasts, which gives you a real feeling.

34. Life is painful and the process is beautiful. Therefore, I put the pain of life into body language, so that people can feel the pain we experience together. This pain and beauty coexist.