Model Essay on the Beautiful Mind of the Film
The smoke lasts like a picture
2023-12-02 19:08:01

In the movie "Beautiful Mind", we can see the pure and faithful feelings and friendship, which can go through the shackles of time, will not disappear, but will grow in difficulties. When Nash is immersed in illusion and can't distinguish reality, truth and falsehood, and is firmly controlled by illusion, Nash always has the love of his wife Eliza. When he is confused between truth and falsehood, at least he knows that Eliza's love is true. It is this true emotion that makes reason re-enter Nash's consciousness, but he is tortured and troubled by the so-called mental illness, and has no self-confidence. Not recognized, even shunned by people. At this time, his wife will become important in personality. What he needs is warmth and support, and more importantly, trust. When Alicia, his wife, asked him who he was talking to and did not believe that he was talking to the garbage collector, I firmly believed that he was helpless and irritable, but I quite understood Alicia's feelings. She was just worried about his illness and just expected to be better. For a girl, what she needs is not a great mathematician, a determined Nobel laureate, but a person who can understand her and live with her. However, when she knew that her expectations could not be realized, Alicia still paid without hesitation and suffered the pain brought by the boy beside her. Eliza's love built a bridge between Nash's unconsciousness and consciousness, and finally became an opportunity for Nash to recover. As Nash said in his acceptance speech when he won the Nobel Prize, love is a special feeling and cannot be inferred with normal logic. Martin Hansen's friendship also helped John

Get rid of the entanglement of neuropathy. In the film, they used to be competitors. After John Nash published the game theory, Martin showed his generosity as a boy. He congratulated his opponent on his success. When Martin successfully moved into Hailingji's office, he promised to let John Nash stay in the Princeton University Library when he was dealing with John Nash who had not recovered from his neurosis. Although Nash did not fully recover in the end, he helped Nash win the opportunity to attend school. Martin's sincerity and open-minded are the propellers of Nash's cheer. What is a friend? A friend is someone who makes friends with each other. However, "knowing each other is the most important thing for people to know each other; knowing each other is the most important thing for people to know each other." In terms of making friends, the ancients paid great attention to their hearts, so they made friends with each other. Lu Xun also said: "It is enough to have a bosom friend in life, and the world should look at it together." "Fame, honor, happiness, wealth, if compared with friendship, are all dust," Darwin said. We should learn to cherish the people who accompany us. When encountering setbacks, they can give you the courage to go forward. When you need help, they will stretch out their hands.

The portrayal of neuropathy in the film is also very realistic. Always drive mental illness into a corner. Show it as strange, touching, cute, funny, headstrong, tragic or improper. There, it is just a disease, almost exhausting life. In the film, we can see a sad John Nash whose youthful vitality is exhausted by mental illness. His creativity and imagination are wasted in the imaginary career. In society, there are always people who are unlucky enough to suffer from mental illness, and their lives are completely changed as a result. They should not only deal with the suffering of patients, but also deal with the changes in the attitude of their families and even the whole society towards themselves. Nash is lucky. He has a wife who loves him and never leaves him. He understands his colleagues, but we can still see that many other normal people discriminate against him. In Princeton University, despite the high quality of students, there are still many people laughing at Nash. Some people imitate his personality walking posture, and some people whisper behind his back. These very disrespectful behaviors that happen to a group of the best college students in the world should also sound an alarm to our society. So it is with college students, not to mention others. Mental patients also have their own self-esteem. We cannot discriminate against them just because of their illness. Everyone has the advantage of being in society. In any case, people must respect each other. Discrimination against neurotic patients has set obstacles for their recovery and made them lose the confidence to defeat patients. This is not a phenomenon that should exist in a fraternal and harmonious society.

A movie can cover the softest topics in people's hearts, which may be the reason why a beautiful soul can get a golden statuette. I hope this movie can also bring us beautiful feelings.