1000 Words of Border Town
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2023-06-21 22:03:45

1000 Words of Border Town

When you finish reading a work, what do you get? It's very important to write down. Let's write a review. In order to make you no longer have a headache for writing the feeling after reading, the following is a small compilation of 1000 words of the feeling after reading the border town. Welcome to learn and reference, and hope to help everyone.

I read Border Town a long time ago, but recently I read it again. I have some different feelings. I always feel that I don't know love, but I still want to write about love, moving and beauty.

1、 Way to go

Water is very clever. It always brings some stories when it flows all the way. When the water flows through this quiet and leisurely Xiangxi town, it brings the story of Cuicui. The story is so flat that it seems to drag people. But the story happened in the scenery of the tea cave. The surrounding scenery is so calm and natural, and the story seems to blend into the scenery. For a moment, it seemed so clear, as if it was about to surface, and soon it sank into the water, flowing away with the babbling water, leaving only a hint of reverie in the reader's mind. Ordinary stories and ordinary feelings are so simple that it seems that they can only happen in such a place with water flowing through, and it seems that only such thorough water can carry such stories. Of course, only Mr. Shen Congwen, who has known how to embrace and love water since childhood, can write such a beautiful story. As he said, "I know beauty and learn to think. Water has a great relationship with me."

2、 Dreamland

"Border Town" is Mr. Shen Congwen's dream. He turned his love for mountains and waters into this passionate work. The natural scenery of the tea cave is fresh and beautiful, and the river water is clear and beautiful. The river ferry runs between the mountains and waters every day, which has become an important ornament in this poetic and dreamlike scenery. The old boatman The little girl and the old yellow dog are the eternal protagonists in this scene. The author has built a poetic and picturesque scenery of the border city, and integrated all the stories into the scenery. The scenery is full of simple human feelings and mysterious colors like "Taoyuan". The scenery is hazy due to the feelings of the characters, sad due to the sorrow of the characters, and frozen in a desolate place due to the bleak ending of the story. But because it gives people unlimited space to imagine, the frozen beauty slowly blooms in endless waiting, letting people's thoughts fly to a broader space.

But I always feel that the person who can understand dreams and write dreams must be a real person. Maybe because dreams are always too beautiful and illusory, only those who have experienced the truth will know when they are really true and when they are just dreams. Border Town is a beautiful and attractive dream constructed by Mr. Shen Congwen for readers. Only a real person like Shen Congwen who has experienced life can write such a convincing and fascinating dream. He had a dream childhood of exploring the world freely. He "didn't want to understand the truth but was always attracted to the phenomenon". Later, he had an extraordinary military life with the army, and had a more real and profound understanding of the great book of society. Therefore, although the border town described by him is just a beautiful dream, "this dream is neither illusory nor rigidly attached to reality, but pursues a kind of truth and artistic truth." So while describing the beautiful scenery of the border town, the novel also reveals a sense of helplessness and sadness. Although the hero's feelings are sincere, they cannot compete with reality. Kind of misfortune. Only when dreams have real images can they arouse people's sympathy.

3、 Sorrow

Mr. Shen Congwen often said that "beauty always makes people sad". Cui Cui in Border Town is beautiful. She is simple, kind-hearted and ignorant of the world. Her feelings for the old boatman are sincere and touching, and her feelings for giving up the two old people are vague but persistent. However, such a beautiful girl has never known or been told what kind of life she should want and what kind of happiness, and finally she can only watch her grandfather's ferry alone in a miserable place, Waiting for lovers who don't know when to return. The old boatman is also kind-hearted. He has been guarding a ferry for 50 years, and has crossed the brook with many people coming and going. He loved Cuicui deeply, and his only relative was the girl. He was always worried about his granddaughter's future life, but finally he died in disappointment and regret. Even the ferry that had supported him all his life was washed away by the rising flood. How sad it is. Tianbao and Nuo Song are also good men. They fell in love with Cuicui at the same time, but because of their brotherly love, they adopted a beautiful and romantic way of "walking the road" to sing love songs for their loved ones, "competition". The elder brother took the lead in the road, and would not sing first anyway. He must let his younger brother sing first, and then he left on his own initiative knowing that he was not his rival, In the despair of being buried in the river, I don't know whether to die for the beauty in my heart or for the sadness in my heart. Nuo sent the two old men to love Cuicui, preferring not to mill, but because of a series of misunderstandings, and finally because of the unexpected death of Tianbao, he buried his love deeply in his heart, but it was difficult to give up. Finally, with deep remorse, he chose to travel far, leaving his distant expectations to Cuicui. Nuo Song's encounter with Cuicui a few years ago was beautiful, and the love in his heart was also beautiful. However, because of their misunderstanding and family pressure, it finally led to a disappointing tragedy.

The people and things in the story all live in a beautiful background, which seems to be plain, and the love disputes also seem to be calm, but finally they all end in sorrow and regret. Even the last glimmer of hope for a better life left to Cuicui: "Maybe she will never come back, maybe she will come back tomorrow", which is so sad. Watching for happiness is beautiful, but it also hurts. Some people say that it is "the misfortune and misfortune of the kind-hearted", rather, it is a kind of helplessness and sadness in the author's own heart. The poetic and picturesque life in the border town is the yearning of the author's heart, but the real life is always full of sadness, so the author wrote this experience into his works and shared it with readers.

4、 The other side

In addition to the aftertaste of the beautiful rural scenery and simple customs, reading Border Town also left a touch. What was touched was Cui Cui's persistent and unrepentant waiting for her loved ones. This kind of waiting might lead to happiness tomorrow, and may be fruitless all her life, but it was even more touching. I am also shocked by Cuicui's persistence. Maybe many people will not know their true value until the last moment of life. Since they are lucky to live in this world, why not wait for their loved ones bravely? But after all, Cuicui is an ideal romantic figure living in a poetic world. Modern society is too impetuous, how many people can still have such a persistent romantic feelings? Not to mention waiting for the unknown future, how many people can really do it even if they make sincere efforts for the happiness they already have? We long for true love, but we are always worried and afraid. We always want to give our feelings after everything is certain, or we will leave immediately. Not only for love, but also for other things. Only the immediate immediate interests that can be grasped by both hands can make modern people pay. Any remote beauty is regarded as something ridiculous and unrealistic for people to wait for. If Cuicui lives now and around us, she must be regarded as a strange person. Maybe it's not that there is no beauty around, but that we are killing beauty intentionally or unintentionally. Maybe when we are young, when we don't know the pressure of life, we will be moved by Cuicui and wait for the beauty in our hearts. However, when life puts more and more pressure on us and makes us more and more realistic, this beautiful waiting becomes fragile and vulnerable. It is not that we are no longer moved, just moved. Few people still wait for a simple dream. There are more and more realistic people around. How many people can keep a persistent heart?

Because of this, Mr. Shen Congwen created an ideal Cuicui for us, which is valuable. In fact, he is also a lonely person. When talking about his prose, he said that his works had a touch of loneliness and sadness; Mr. Zhu Guangqian commented on him as "a passionate person who likes friends, but in his heart, he is a lonely person". Therefore, loneliness may be derived from Mr. Shen's pursuit of perfection and beauty, and from his dedication to what he loves and pursues. He wrote about Cuicui, who was waiting for happiness. I am moved by Cuicui, Mr. Shen, and all those who can wait for love. Perhaps the other side of happiness is still elusive. Border Town at least gives us a reflection on human nature. For the belief in happiness, with such a hope in the bottom of my heart, harvest is power.