Long Sentences of Youth Inspirational Writing (Long Sentences of Classic Love Writing)
It's fate
2023-05-03 15:07:32
Complete sentences

1. Forgive me for not being able to be friends with you. I'm too afraid that every word of your concern will become my burden. Forgive me for saying that I hate you. I'm too afraid of this tangled relationship, which gives me the chance to dream, so that we can draw a clear line and never see each other.

2. There are no dry tears, no regrets, and the people who left do not know that it will be a farewell. Leaving away with a smile is the happiest kind of parting. All the reluctant, left to wait for the person. At the end of the day, after leaving, will we meet tomorrow? Tomorrow may be far away.

3. Miss that person, maybe this life is also like this. After the ebb and flow of the tide, after being sad and sad, I stayed, together with my so-called dream, to accompany me through every morning and every evening. The man who lost his predestination is not easy to meet even in the same city.

4. We sat side by side on the cold steps, with the wind blowing and love coming. But we finally missed it together. It turns out that time is really like flowing water, walking quietly. Many times, many things, many people can only exist in memory forever.

5. Time passed so quickly that the memory disappeared and could not be retained any more. I really tried my best to remember him. But gradually, I found that even the taste of happiness about him was forgotten. All I can remember is the feeling of desperately trying to remember him.

6. When the sun no longer shines, the sunflower is also dismayed. Some people can only leave if they don't come, some things can only give up if they don't want them, some past, about happiness or pain, can only be buried in the heart, some hopes, about the present or the future, can only choose to forget.

7. You are struggling to find out why you were abandoned. Do you do too much or pay too little. Like a child who can't solve a math problem, he is afraid of losing his mark here and can't progress in love. Yes, you don't need to be so eager to learn this time; He is just the wrong person, that's all.

8. Thousands of years have passed, and he is at this end, and I am at that end. At the two ends of life, we stand on the shore of each other. The instant of eye contact has created unforgettable life. It lingers in my sleep and memory all the time. The higher the loneliness, the higher the tolerance of loneliness, the higher the loneliness.

9. There is always a place that will never be mentioned again, but will never be forgotten. There is always someone who says sorry, which makes your heart ache and unforgettable. There is always a love, always living in the heart, but farewell in life.