The Beautiful Sentences of Fireworks (67 selected sentences)
A gentle breeze is blowing
2023-06-09 00:04:36
Complete sentences

1. Look up at the sky and see the colorful fireworks in different forms. The fireworks are just like amorous meteor showers, parachutes falling from the sky, and fireflies dancing in the night sky.

2. Look up at the sky and see the colorful fireworks in different forms. The fireworks are just like amorous meteor showers, parachutes falling from the sky, and fireflies dancing in the night sky

3. It's never hot, it doesn't matter how thick or thin it is. I don't want to be like the wind, like the dew, like the morning fog. I just want to be as gorgeous as fireworks. I don't want to be like the wind, like the dew, like the morning fog. I just want to be as bright as fireworks.

4. At the end of the fuse, golden flowers burst out in all directions, just like colorful, golden flowers blooming in the air

5. Some fireworks in the sky are like chrysanthemums blooming; Some are like streamers; Some, like silver dust, decorate the night sky very beautiful

6. Under the bright sun, fireworks look so insignificant, beautiful turns, perhaps only the quiet night for its beauty—— Fireworks are easy to cool, goodbye is indefinite.

7. Fireworks, one two three exploded, scattered, decorated the night sky. The night sky suddenly became a sea of flowers, colorful, and the earth was decorated with fireworks as beautiful as a fairyland.

8. Festive fireworks are like blooming flowers blooming over the city

9. The pomp fades away, and people are lonelier than fireworks.

10. Who knows whether the blooming of fireworks is to embrace the night with all one's life, or just to win a smile from the fireworks lighter

11. My missing is walking in the season of falling leaves and withering flowers. My heart has drifted to the other side of my dream with the wind. The moment of falling fireworks stung my eyes waiting for you! You left your smile in my dream, put tenderness in my life, and made the promise of reincarnation to go with the wind!

12. Fireworks are fleeting, but ashes are eternal.

13. Fireworks, late night fireworks, beautiful and desolate, fleeting light, but not as weak as the stars, a moment of beautiful blooming, is also the sign of death, not afraid of dying, afraid of being forgotten, condensed beauty and light, just for someone to appreciate

14. If we love each other as brilliant as a fireworks festival, then our ending must be like this, ending with a fireworks festival.

15. Colorful fireworks, fleeting like water, charming sadness, always spread in every deep night, occupy the loneliness of the soul, always inexplicable sadness.

16. The fireworks in the night sky, like autumn chrysanthemums, are beautiful and enchanting, and enjoy the fleeting beauty in the night sky

17. The fireworks are beautiful, but only for a moment. Although the scar is ugly, it is immortal. I don't want the glory of fireworks in a moment, but the ugly scars of eternal life.

18. I only care about pursuing the fireworks in the sky, and forget that no matter how beautiful the fireworks are, it is just a moment. I only stay in the past and stay in memory.

19. The splendor of fireworks can not stay in the future, and people in the future can not describe the brilliance of fireworks.

20. Look! Roll up the small fireworks like a small cake, and then put it on the ground and carefully light it. The small fireworks seemed to erupt like a volcano, and the sparks suddenly rushed out all around, scaring me to cover my ears and run away.

21. Fireworks are gorgeous, but they are not quiet. When they rush out of the box, they are a mysterious magician, turning the chemical ingredients in the box into beautiful firecrackers, so that people can see its beauty and splendor.

22. Fireworks set off in the night sky of Kyoto are so beautiful, just brilliant in an instant, but at the cost of burning all lives

23. Fireworks will not let people understand how warm the dust it turns into is. He would rather leave a cold illusion and break it. If you mourn, you can mourn for him, but you can't change his persistence.

24. Beautiful fireworks bloom in the air, as if there is no gap, like embroidering colorful flowers on the dark sky.

25. The fireworks are cool because they are beautiful. If they are beautiful, they will turn into ashes; The reason why the silk is cool is because of the beauty of life. Whatever the past or the appearance, it will be the end of youth.

26. I am the fireworks on the other side of your life. I will not meet before it is brilliant, but disappear after it is in full bloom.

27. You only know that fireworks are easy to cool, but you don't know that the ground is covered with dust after fireworks are burned, and my lonely soul is still in the dead of night.

28. No matter how many people you have loved or how many fireworks you have seen, love is a long way to pursue self recognition and self completion; However, this one person's business is to have another person to help, just like fireworks need a night sky.

29. The fireworks in the sky are like chrysanthemums blooming on the night

30. The ever-changing fireworks unfold her smiling faces in light yellow, silver white, washed green, light purple, clear blue and pink. Huge fireworks bloomed in the air, petals fell like rain, and people seemed to be within reach.

31. Maybe fireworks are waterfalls flowing down from heaven, which can push our hearts to a beautiful fairyland. So, although our eyes can't really see the fairyland, our hearts feel it, bright and blurred.

32. As the years passed in a hurry, the steps gradually faltered, the green silk was replaced by white hair, the black eyes were covered with silk yarn, the face was full of wrinkles, but the warmth was still there. We still snuggle up to see the fireworks around the spring water in the morning, and the mountains, mists and fishes in the evening.

33. The children set off fireworks in the yard. Beautiful fireworks twinkled and exploded in the sky. The children cheered and jumped in the yard.

34. Fireworks shot into the sky at the foot of the mountain, just like a series of shooting stars, which are the seeds of flowers shooting in the sky. They bloomed wantonly in the dark. It was clear that Nuo's side face was lit by the fireworks, and there were thin tears