100 sentences to encourage hard work
Fate is doomed
2023-04-03 19:10:07
Complete sentences

1. One today is better than two tomorrow.

2. Rome wasn't built in a day.

3. Self confidence is the first secret of success.

4. Only when water touches a stone can it make waves.

5. People must have self-confidence, which is the secret of success.

6. The biggest challenge in life is not to defeat yourself!

7. Diligence is a passport to success.

8. Because nothing is the reason to fight on.

9. I am ordinary, but I am brave in my bones.

10. As long as there is tomorrow, today will always be the starting line.

11. See the world with good eyes; Don't just try to please others.

12. Learn to forget pain and make room for sunshine memory.

13. The secret of success lies in never changing the established purpose.

14. If you are more persistent than others, you will create miracles.

15. The best way to predict the future is to create it.

16. Don't torment yourself with the memory of the past.

17. Without ideals, life is just a pile of empty shelves.

18. If you don't pay for learning today, you will pay for poverty in the future.

19. Difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, they will be weak. If you are weak, they will be strong.

20. The cultivation of good habits is to avoid bad habits.

21. Success lies in the exertion of advantages, while failure is the accumulation of disadvantages.

22. Looking at other people's happy smiles, I always feel uneasy!

23. People are great because of their dreams and reach their goals as soon as possible.

24. The person who is the least able to use time will most complain about the lack of time.

25. Life is full of choices, and the attitude of life is everything.

26. Tell others with a smile that I am stronger today than I was yesterday.

27. There is no desperate situation in the world, only people who are desperate for the situation.

28. People should not only do good things, but also do good things in an accurate way.

29. There is no eternal success on the road of life, only eternal struggle.

30. Don't say everything you know and believe everything you hear.

31. Learning is not a lack of time, but a lack of effort.

32. Better forgive others than wait for others to forgive yourself.

33. There is no such thing as luck or misfortune. Everything has a cause and a result.

34. Not all targets can be reached, but they can be used as the aiming point.

35. One thing above all else is to keep young.

36. We should take today as the coordinate and imagine ourselves in the next few years.

37. Cherishing the beauty of today is to make the memories of tomorrow better.

38. I think that what I can do and what I can't do is just a thought.

39. Seriousness can do things right, but hard work can make things perfect.

40. Perseverance can conquer any place in the world.

41. Unless one has confidence, one cannot bring confidence to others.

42. Don't care too much about your appearance, because your ability won't be written on your face.

43. Of the easiest things in the world, procrastinating is the least laborious.

44. Don't mention who you love most. Life is still long and you can't predict tomorrow.

45. If you make a mistake, admit it honestly. It will only hurt you to excuse yourself.

46. People always try to cherish what they haven't got, but forget what they have.

47. Don't worry about the ambiguous future, but work hard for the clear present.

48. If you don't chase, you will never have it. Don't go forward, stay where you are forever.

49. If I cannot, I must; If I must, I can.

50. Courage is not to feel fear, but to feel fear and continue to do so.

51. Tomorrow is tomorrow again. There are so many tomorrow. I will wait for tomorrow, and everything will be wasted.

52. The best years do not come again, and it is hard to get early again. Time and tide wait for no man.

53. Nine out of ten people who can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them will succeed.

54. Action is a good medicine to cure fear, and hesitation and delay will continue to nourish fear.

55. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after you start.

56. No matter when you end, it is important not to regret after the end.

57. The greatest joy of life is that everyone says you can't do it, but you have completed it!

58. Diligence can make up for the deficiency of intelligence, but intelligence cannot make up for the deficiency of laziness.

59. Destiny is like the palm print in your hand. No matter how tortuous it is, it is in your own hands.

60. Every successful person has a beginning. You can find success only if you dare to start.

61. Smile is the most sincere talk of our soul and the best medicine in the face of difficulties.

62. There is a kind of predestination that becomes a scenery after letting go, and there is a heart that insists that China is sincere.

63. Life can't be as good as you think, but it can't be as bad as you think.

64. It is for the purpose of strengthening your will that God has set up numerous obstacles on the road.

65. The straight line between two points may not be the shortest. Sometimes, detours can reach the destination faster.

66. The height of the sky is from birds, and no matter how deep the water is, it is from fish.

67. Although the axe head is small, it can hack the hardest oak tree after many times.

68. At sunrise, try to make every day happy and meaningful, not for others, but for yourself.

69. If a man is weak, he is his greatest enemy; If you are brave, you are your best friend.

70. Live in the present. Don't waste your present life in remembering the past or looking forward to the future.

71. Self defeating is the most tragic failure, and self defeating is the most valuable victory.

72. What people lack is not talent but ambition, not the ability to succeed but the will to work hard.

73. Learn to change your life and taste the vicissitudes of life, so that you can have no regrets about your youth and the passing of years.

74. The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but where we are going.

75. Success is not in the future, but accumulated from the moment you decide to do it.

76. Great achievements come from the great thought and effort spent on ambitious goals.

77. Those who attribute their luck too much to their own cleverness and resourcefulness will most likely end up with a very unfortunate outcome.

78. People will inevitably encounter thorns and frustrations on their journey, but after the storm, there will be a beautiful rainbow.

79. We don't need to wrap ourselves up with too gorgeous words, because we want to be the most authentic ourselves.

80. Never complain about what has happened to you. Either change it or accept it quietly.

81. I only love to lose my temper with you, because I subconsciously believe that you will not leave me. Nonsense is also a kind of dependence.

82. On the road to success, persistence is very important. In the face of setbacks, you should tell yourself to enjoy the benefits.

83. If you look forward to tomorrow, you must first step on reality; If you want to be brilliant, you must never stop.

84. Speak less and do more, and every sentence will be valued by others; Say more than do, every sentence will be ignored by others.

85. Don't sigh about setbacks. Just consider all these as preparations you must undergo before you can achieve great things.

86. Even if it is the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave person who insists on doing it, there will be hope in the end.

87. When you are overwhelmed by pressure, remember that carbon becomes a shining diamond because of pressure.

88. As long as you don't give up, nothing can make you shrink back; As long as you are strong enough, nothing can defeat you!

89. Persistence is perseverance, like a hot sun; Persistence is the soul, like a group of standing mountains.

90. When you were born, you cried and people around you laughed; At the end of your life, you are smiling while others around you are crying.

91. Perseverance is the key to success. To win, we must make unremitting efforts. We can succeed only after we have tasted many failures.

92. Try to indulge yourself, but you are always trapped by too many restrictions. What follows the rule of life is just a body that has lost its soul.

93. Time is the most precious thing in life; The most brilliant thing in life is career; The happiest thing in life is to struggle.

94. Don't be angry and try to win, don't see through and try to make a breakthrough, don't be jealous and appreciate, don't procrastinate, be positive, and don't be tempted to take action.

95. Don't easily use the past to measure the happiness and misfortune of life! Everyone's life is beautiful, as long as you cherish it.

96. Difficulties and sufferings for people are hammers that hit the blank, which should be fragile iron filings, and forged into sharp steel knives.

97. Life is cruel. Sadness helps you understand happiness, noise helps you appreciate silence, and detours remind you that there is still a smooth road ahead.

98. Don't say "I won't" or "impossible" because you haven't done it yet!

99. Confident people know the truth of "I am born with talent and will be useful". Relying on the confidence of victory, they will sail to the other side of success in the hard fight.

100. On the road to success, there must be failures; We should treat failure correctly. If we are not afraid of failure, we will succeed; If you are afraid of failure, you are useless and will fail even more.