Signature of the hypocrite
I'm afraid of the heart
2023-08-02 17:05:48
Complete set of signatures

1. The paper money is delivered by the wind at night, which family has added new pain.

2. Color of life, I will never find.

3. You are not a sunflower, why keep the sun shining.

4. Maybe this is also a qualification for happiness.

5. What you see is only the truth, not the truth.

6. I can't bear to part with it. Unfortunately, I can't go back.

7. Thank you for your kindness, but I won't forget it.

8. I like to fight with you all my life.

9. I am not afraid of death, but of the unavoidable life.

10. I will always be the abandoned person, right?

11. I said, I like the feeling of music pervading.

12. Silence on the phone is not procrastination, but reluctance.

13. Packing B is like peeling onions. It's about layers.

14. I dare not turn around, for fear that you might see tears on my cheeks.

15. Accustomed to camouflage, I can't seem to lose this dress.

16. You can't get anything, because I have nothing.

17. Let me lose my memory and disappear in your world.

18. When talking about your topic, you can finally avoid being absent.

19. That face grows in your place, how much injustice it will suffer.

20. Now a heart seems very normal, tired and a little confused.

21. I can only wait for time to dilute my wound.

22. Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the lock.

23. Return to the melody we started, and lose your memory in the notes.

24. Some things can be told when they must be strong.