500 words after reading Tao Te Ching
The sky is no bluer than the sea
2023-10-20 16:02:57

Here, I would like to emphasize that knowledge is not the more the better, nor the deeper the better, but should be matched with the ability to control knowledge. To tell the truth, I really dare not comment on Tao Te Ching, but like reading, copying and memorizing. Now I want to share some of my feelings after reading Tao Te Ching. I hope we can encourage you!

"The Tao can be taught, but it is not.". I believe everyone has heard this sentence. This is the opening sentence of Tao Te Ching. It seems that I don't want to say anything, because the Tao that can be said is not the eternal Tao. Yes! Language is always hard pressed to describe many profound things. Laotse told us at the beginning that we should not limit ourselves to words and language. As the Buddhist saying goes, "Nothing is taught but words." It points directly at the heart of the people and becomes a Buddha at the sight of nature.

Lao Tzu mentioned "babies" several times in his articles, such as: "To taunt the world, always be virtuous and return to babies". Lao Tzu told us to learn from babies, but many people are unwilling to learn from people with lower qualifications. In fact, this is a waste of resources. Babies don't have any set, so they learn everything fastest. The fastest way to learn a foreign language is to imitate, which is exactly what babies do; We always say "empty cup mentality", which is exactly what babies do.

"Qu is complete, if it is crooked, it will be straight, if it is hollow, it will be abundant, if it is open, it will be new, if it is less, it will be gained, and if it is more, it will be confused." Many times, I feel that Laozi's wisdom is contrary to ordinary people's thinking, but if you taste it carefully, it contains profound philosophy. We often say that a man should be flexible, and Han Xin has done it. Only by putting yourself very low every day can you learn something. This is just like the Buddhist saying: empty can exist, let go can bear. Most of the time, we can't make a choice because there are too many choices, just like there are too many channels on TV, so we seldom watch a program completely. Too many choices often confuse people and lead to nothing in the end. Too many times later, we need to have the courage of Xiang Yu to burn the boat. In fact, life is like a fleeting passage. It is often a good thing to have fewer choices.